Zcash core developer proposal

Hello community, as February ended milestone 2 is over and now the focus has been moved into milestone 3 starting today.

For what was done in Feb please check zf-grants/milestone2.md at master · oxarbitrage/zf-grants · GitHub

As you can see a few cleanup tasks were not completed, speaking with the team i now know they were not of big importance so their were removed. In compensation to that a lot of new tasks were added specially in reviewing other team members code in order to speed up the merging process.

1 task was moved to milestone 3(Implement -lightwalletd configuration option · Issue #4326 · zcash/zcash · GitHub). Milestone 3 haves a nain focus on community requests and that issue is better suited there however this was not the main reason of the move, it is actually delayed as it depends on other pull request that is still in development/discussion(https://github.com/zcash/zcash/pull/4293). Still, i think milestone 3 is better for that issue as it was a direct request from the ECC wallet team.

For details on what is currently in the line of milestone 3 please check zf-grants/milestone3.md at master · oxarbitrage/zf-grants · GitHub

Please remember milestone can be always changed as needed but it gives an overall idea on what issues will be addressed in the period.
In this milestone i have to also create what will be be milestone 4, initially i only created the first 3 milestone for the grant, now it will be time to add at least 1 more. Open to suggestion on what should be the main focus of milestone 4.

Finally in April(eastern holidays) i plan to take a 1 week vacation with my family, i have to talk about it with the foundation on how that can be handled in my case but i hope this will not be a big problem.