Zcash Dev Fund - Results Based Financing & Equity Proposal Amendment

@ttmariemia, going back to my question during the Protocol Hangout:

Can you please clarify to what extent we’re counting on the funded projects being profitable (as opposed to being a public good that can’t be monetized to turn a profit)?

I was under the impression that you’re counting on that, based on phrasing like:

where a developer earns a % of the original Dev Fund/Strategic Reserve , a set % of the developer’s reward is returned back to the Zcash Foundation. These funds are to be used by the Zcash Foundation to “top up” the Developers’ Endowment Fund, thus allowing the Zcash Foundation to continue to award Zertilizer and seed grants to external developers.

It also seems necessary to feed substantial profits back into the fund, since practically I don’t expect a lot from the market-rate real returns on an endowment (of the expected magnitude) and huge ongoing donations.

But in today’s Protocol Hangout call, you clarified that we’re not counting on the funded projects being profitable… so what am I missing?

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