Zcash Developer Relations Engineer

February 2025

Hello! this is the grant update for February 2025. As always, I want to thank every team involved, their support, assistance and collaboration.

Executive Summary

February had a lot of color and varied tasks. I worked closely with Zingo Labs to contribute with Zaino and ZeWIF development and coordination to cope with some deviations on the milestone schedule. Reviewed some PRs that helped keep things moving. We concluded that some of the friction for Zaino devs came out from expectations differences between Regtest mode of Zcashd and Zebra. That spun off the Regtest ZIP draft creation that was presented following up ZIP editors’ procedures. Tested the alpha of Zallet and contributed to iron out some MacOS build issues which ECC engineers merged quickly. “Host Your Own Server” started for which I intended to participate, set up a dedicated server online and launched a Zebra and a Lightwalletd as instructed by facilitators (which now seems stall). Actively followed Ledger NU6 issues and kept the community as updated as possible and also could test a fix with the help of a Zcasher. I got together with Matt, a contractor developer from NightHawk who wanted to implement the “send max” feature after being tired of guessing ZIP-317 fees when sweeping a wallet and we started to stub the first parts of this feature. Created and posted a user satisfaction survey created with valuable help from ZCG and FPF. Audit of the ZIP-321 libraries developed last year started and responded to auditors as they needed. First report was delivered by the end of the month and I will be working on it partly in the next period. The outreach is not tractioning as well as I’d want to, it is not bringing the feedback and information that we need. Some adjustments will be made and I’ll be meeting with other Zcashers to brainstorm and discuss other approaches given that we are about 6 months away from the optimistic timeline. Finally, I prepared a almost-final-underscore-final-draft of my presentation for ZconVI.

Extended Report

Zcashd Deprecation