Zcash Education Contributor (ZEC) - dismad

Hi all,

Just submitted my first grant proposal and would appreciate any feedback. I probably made some errors, let me know! Thank you for your time. :hearts:


I am 100% supportive of this. If we want to eventually have a solid and lively base, we need consistent and sustainable community contributors. @dismad is a passionate Zcasher with a eye for education. Much needed and the time is right to invest in people like Dismad.


Hey @dismad ! Thank you for submitting a grant proposal! We will review it in the upcoming weeks and reach out if we have any questions.

In the meantime, if you have any questions for us, you can post them to this thread or DM us at @ZcashGrants.



really like wat dismad has done so far - so iwo a gud prposal - Zcash always needs more education stuff
and by dismad taking more time - can polish it all up more and more.

one idea more - all dis education content cud be shared also on more social sites - liek tiktok, some decentralized video sites and more if possible


Appreciate the support @David_Heisenberg , @zerodartz thank you! :hearts:

I’ve also been openly talking to members in the community and some concerns came up.

My aim with the grant is to literally be a Zcash Education Contributor – that is, this isn’t a ZecHub DAO grant. For the past 5 months I’ve been heavily involved in the day to day but so have others. When I said, "I intend to manage ZecHub moving forward, I meant as a paid contributor to Zcash as a whole. ZecHub is managed by the DAO, any one can contribute, and I simply want to take on a more central role and be paid for doing so. This doesn’t mean I would be the sole manager because its clearly a group effort. In this light, I will work just as hard in other areas of the community, as needed, and my work thus far should give some insight into what I bring to the community.

I also noticed an error in the final total compensation at the bottom, it should read $40,800, not $48,000

Sorry for any confusion and please reach out either directly or here in the forums if needed.


My opinion, not ECC’s.

This is exciting! I think this is a very unique opportunity to fund Zcash education.

Firstly, I’ve been really impressed with Dismad’s contributions to ZecHub’s docs site. He’s built a lot of cool stuff and I’m glad that the ZecHub has enabled him to contribute. He’s one of the first people to really take on ZecHub’s open-source ethos.

Dismad does manage a lot of ZecHub’s repo and wiki site at this point, and understand that this can not be a passion project forever. I hope ZCG takes that into consideration.

WRT ZecHub’s role in this grant, I think it’s important to clarify that ZecHub’s governance + decision making process are managed by a community DAO. We’re still making this more robust as we go on, but wanted to clarify this publicly.

Finally, I’m currently working with other DAO members on some things that will solidify ZecHub’s immediate future and place in the Zcash ecosystem. Updates coming soon.



Hi all,

I mentioned early that this grant was not a ZecHub DAO grant but concluding this morning’s ZecHub DAO meeting, I have some important changes I’d like to announce with this grant.

  • Collectively, the DAO decided its intent to submit a grant for 2023
  • Seeing that most of my work as a Zcash Education Contributor involves work @ ZecHub, it doesn’t make sense to have 2 grants
  • In a effort to streamline both mine and ZecHub’s grants, I will be editing my grant into a single ZecHub DAO grant with three ZecHub core contributors: @dismad , @squirrel , @tokidoki
  • I appreciate everyone’s patience in this process and look forward to addressing any concerns with the community and @ZcashGrants

I will post an update with the updated application when its complete.


Hi, great work with ZecHub. In the grant proposal, the hourly rate is $85 per hour. However, according to information found on Google, the typical hourly rate for a tech writer role is around $40 per hour. Can you please provide an explanation for the higher rate quoted in the proposal?


I’d also like chime in with my support for this grant. @dismad has been a consistent and helpful presence helping onboard and educate new users, and his work on Zechub has been much appreciated. I think it behooves the community to compensate the work already done and make sure @dismad has the time and resources to add even more.


Thank you talking the time to read my proposal. I also looked this up and came up with a figure that takes into consideration:

  • Subject matter --very few people are willing to accurately write about Zcash education on a consistent basis
  • Managing the github and other submissions to approve only the best works are added
  • The belief that hard work should be rewarded – especially if the community feels the content is making an impact.
  • If the ZCG wants to attract more educators, they must be willing to get competitive with compensation. Trust goes both ways.
  • Past works – I’ve been producing works for the past 5 months for free. This is the window into what is possible with sustainable funding. ( Also links to the above point about attracting others )

With that being said, the $85/hr rate is likely to change because we are in the process of changing the grant. More than likely this rate will go down but how I feel personally stays the same. I’ll always be bullish on education.

Again, thank you for your concerns :hearts:


Unfortunately, I don’t think Google could give you a quick answer on this. The reason is that in companies, each role usually has a very specific meaning. You would need to compare job descriptions to be accurate. For someone helping build a new entity from scratch, fundraising, writing content, organizing people, publishing content, building websites, social media channels, etc., you would be hard pressed to find a standard job description for all of these tasks. Instead, it is a mixture of roles that have various market rates. Wearing many hats is also a skill that would drive a higher rate since it is easier to be told what to do than consistently have to also make high level decisions about strategy. Further, as @dismad mentioned, people willing and able to take the time to communicate Zcash to the broader world are very rare.


It appears that Zcash ambassadors align with the individuals you have described. I have a high regard for the work done by Zcash Brasil, who I believe have excelled in their role. Although it may be difficult to make comparisons, I believe the grant awarded to Zcash Brasil was similar in amount to the current grant being discussed. It seems unjust to compensate the entire team of Zcash Brasil as a single zechub contributor, given that they have produced a significant amount of high-quality original content, maybe even more so than ZecHub has.

I think we should wait for the updated proposal before commenting further.


i suggest not trying to compare things to random google searches. its like when ppl google how much a roof should cost and it says 3k lmao… when materials cost 5k.

lets not limit ourselves by google searches and instead think about the context here.

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Updated application has been submitted. Thank you!

note: mods can you please lock this thread.