Please see inline -
Sure, I hope the dialogue the submission sparked is beneficial to the community.
To proceed with considering the proposal, we would need to see need more transparency around costs. For example, for the pieces of this that are developer time, how many hours do you estimate, and what rates are you billing at? And for the pieces that are server costs, what are your cost estimates?
Did you see the breakdown in this spreadsheet? It was included in the original proposal. Is there anything else you need?
We’re also open to you increasing the scope of the project, if that makes sense for you.
Yes, it does, since if approved, we intend to be in this for the long haul. To clarify, would we be talking about increasing how long we run the services and adding a testnet implementation?
At least a few of us agreed that it’s helpful and healthy for there to be highly reliable lightwallet infrastructure that is managed independently from existing wallet app teams, and the things we’d look for would be proposals that provide high levels of privacy, reliability, and security for users.
If you’re open to discussing this more and refining the proposal, we’d welcome that, and thanks again.
Please let me know if you need anything else regarding the cost breakdown and confirm the potential scope increase intention and we’ll be glad to continue the discussion!