Zcash Proof of Stake Megathread 🧵

This (new for 2024) thread is to help focus the conversation around Zcash transitioning from Proof of Work to Proof of Stake.

Relevant links:

Shielded Labs is currently working on PoS mechanisms: Shielded Labs: An Independent, Non-US Organization

Old PoS thread is archived and can be found here

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Thank you! will chime in later this evening

Check the links


Thanks, added, lmk if you have more that should be in the top post


Initially, forgive me if I’m posting this in the wrong topic, I felt free to change it to the correct location.

I was thinking about POS and would like to suggest the possibility of anyone earning Zcash by staking. There would be rules, limiting the risks of someone attacking the network, but giving the possibility of anyone earning interest with staking, even if they are not a validator, even if the interest generated by staking is lower than that generated by the validator for being a validator. I believe that this would motivate people, even with a small amount of coins, helping to have more full nodes in the network.


Somewhat relevant talk on hybrid PoS + PoW from a researcher at Rootstock Labs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ktecw-zpBH4

Currently reviewing Crosslink docs. Is there another resource that is worth reviewing?


thank you :slight_smile:

An underrated aspect of PoS is perhaps the ability to socially coordinate slashing and against malicious validators. this might be worthwhile to add to the scoping doc.

I’m having trouble understanding the need for hybrid finality and what the validators provide to the network in this design. I’ll dive into the crosslink docs this evening for more understanding.

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