ZconVI prize-raising and clip-making games have begun!

Show your love for Zcash and support our content creators today!

Support Zcash and pitch in to help incentivize spectacular clips of ZconVI that will promote all the great work Zcashers are presenting during the 4-day virtual conference.


A hidden treasure awaits. Claim your share.

Locked away in a shielded Zcash address lies the ZconVI Clip Games prize pool—growing with each transaction, but hidden from view until the start of the big show.

Can you guess the secret number?

Can you clip your way to the treasure?

The countdown starts now! Dare to play?

Game Map

  1. A Shielded Prize

  2. The ZconVI Clip Contest

  3. History and Examples

  4. Zcash Wallet Support by Zechub

A Shielded Prize

At the beginning of our ZconVI Clip Games, the prize is kept in a shielded Zcash address.


On the first day of ZconVI, during The State of Zcash in 2025 with Jack Gavigan, the shielded address viewing key will be shared, allowing everyone to discover the starting prize value for themselves, together.

Meanwhile …

I’m calling upon you, Zcash lovers and addicts, to help grow the prize to a fantastic degree in hopes of a big reveal and a spectacular start to ZconVI.

Get in on this action!

These prize-raising games will run from the time this post is published until I share the viewing key during the first presentation of the live event.

Make It Rain!

You: Send 1 ZEC

Me: Add 0.05 ZEC

5 ZEC Bandit

You: Send 5 ZEC

Me: Add 0.5 ZEC

What Number am I Thinking?

The first transaction to the shielded address holding the prize has a value that is:
(>= 0.10 && <= 0.15) ZEC

Send a shielded transaction with a 2-digit whole number value that is 100x the value of my transaction and include your return address in the memo.

Guess the correct number? You get your money back!

AND THEN?! I will add 4 ZEC for every incorrect guess and 20 ZEC to the prize for every correct guess.

Prize-raising games will conclude with the sharing of the viewing key, which I will mark using a memoed transaction to the prize address before managing reciprocal contributions and return transactions.

The ZconVI Clip Contest

When the ZconVI livestreams commence, the veil lifts, the prize is revealed, and the race to clip and win begins!

Official ZconVI Clip Contest Rules

  • Maximum 19 clips per entrant

  • All clips for one entry must be on one page

  • All clips must playback on your submission page

  • Clips must be:

    • Less than 60-seconds long

    • Aspect-ratio 9:16 || vertical

    • H.264 encoded


  • Ryan (that’s me) reserves the right to disqualify any contestant at any time for any reason

    • If you are suspected of using multiple accounts to submit entries, all of your entries will be disqualified

Top 3 Creators Win

Judging will begin 48 hours after the end of the ZconVI Community Recap on Sunday 2025.03.09 at 23:45 UTC.

To start the process, we will hold a Zcash coinholder vote which will help inform judges to crowd favourites.

The pre-selected judges will provide me with their top 3 entries and I will use their votes to decide the final winners.

Your ZconVI Clip Contest winners will be announced during the Zcash Global Friday Lounge on 2025.03.14 at 16:00 UTC.

Prize Breakdown

The total contents of the prize address will be split as follows:

  • 1st = 50%
  • 2nd = 30%
  • 3rd = 20%

Make Clips, Win ZEC!

Here’s how to enter your ZconVI clips to the contest:

  1. Create an account on free2z.com

  2. Make a new zPage with “ZconVI Clips” in the title

  1. Download a Zcash wallet that supports the shielded memo feature

    • Optional: collect funds for Zcash transaction fees from ZEC Faucet
  2. Send a Zcash transaction to the prize address (at the top of this post) and include a memo with:

    • Link to your ZconVI Clips zPage

    • A Zcash address to receive messages and your prize if you win

      • ALERT: This Zcash address must match the Zcash address on your zPage
  3. Before the deadline on Sunday, 09 March 2025: Add your ZconVI video clips (max 19) to your ZconVI Clips zPage

  4. Bonus fun: Download the Zcash vote app and vote for yourself and your friends

History and Examples

The first Zk Av Club clip contest was in May 2024 during ZconV where 23 contestants produced a total of 667 clips from the 5-day conference livestream.

The prize address collected a total of 269.1413 ZEC.

Top 3 ZconV Clip Creators (2024)

Zcash Wallet and Voting Support

1000x thanks to Zechub for providing Zcash wallet support <3 <3 <3

Please post your troubles in the Zcash Global Discord #Zechub channel for fast and friendly assistance.

Good luck and have a great ZconVI

The prize is growing. The clock is ticking. The stage is set.

Don’t just watch! :zap::shield:


Follow along with the ZconVI Clip Games on Free2z!



Don’t miss your opportunity to help grow Zcash adoption in an easy yet powerful way! :zap:

Pitch in to incentivize spectacular clips of ZconVI to be made live during the conference and will certainly promote all the great work Zcashers are presenting.

The shielded prize is growing!

We’ll release its shielded viewing key during The State of Zcash in 2025 by @Dodger and start the clip-making competition with a BANG :boom:

Let’s make it a big celebration!!

The prize address is posted above, along with a couple fun games to help you decide how much to send :shield: ZconVI prize-raising and clip-making games have begun!



Let’s raise the stakes and grow this prize even bigger!

Help make ZconVI start with a bang and go on with the furry of a thousand clip makers!

EDIT 2025.03.04: Payout for GUESS THE NUMBER is raised, again!

What Number am I Thinking?

UPDATE: I will add 4 ZEC for every incorrect guess and 20 ZEC to the prize for every correct guess.

The first transaction to the shielded address holding the prize has a value that is:
(>= 0.10 && <= 0.15) ZEC

Send a shielded transaction with a 2-digit whole number value that is 100x the value of my transaction and include your return address in the memo.

Guess the correct number? You get your money back!

AND THEN?! I will add 4 ZEC for every incorrect guess and 20 ZEC to the prize for every correct guess.

The shielded prize address and full game details here.


Only 9 hours to play - Send your appreciation for Zcash content creators!!

Especially if you or your company is speaking. This is your chance to give back to the community that will spread your words and market your solutions :zap: :shield: AND MAKE ME PAY!!

What Number am I Thinking?

The first transaction to the shielded address holding the prize has a value that is:
(>= 0.10 && <= 0.15) ZEC

Send a shielded transaction with a 2-digit whole number value that is 100x the value of my transaction and include your return address in the memo.

Guess the correct number? You get your money back!

AND THEN?! I will add 4 ZEC for every incorrect guess and 20 ZEC to the prize for every correct guess.

The Shielded Prize Address :arrow_heading_down:


On the first day of ZconVI, during The State of Zcash in 2025 with Jack Gavigan, the shielded address viewing key will be shared, allowing everyone to discover the starting prize value for themselves, together.

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I will post the shielded prize address viewing key here in 1 hour.

In the meantime, the matching and guessing games continue. Get your prize donations in now!

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ZconVI Clip Games shielded prize address viewing key


Birthday: 2834208

Our starting prize value from community contributions is 108.22 ZEC to which I will now add my matching contributions from the shielded prize-raising games.

Thanks to @dismad for this video showing how to import a viewing key into Zingo!!


For eZcash users: