Zero-knowledge Audiovisual Club

Let’s start localization (translation) :globe_with_meridians:

We’re getting organized behind the scenes, publicity is imminent, and I want “more than English” to be obvious to anyone who visits

Anyone who submits a PR before I get around to prize-creation will be making a significant impression at a key moment. Just sayin’.

All sorts of other PRs are welcome, too.

Go Team Z


Thanks for your support, Ryan!

This is a really huge experience and opportunity or us!

We have told everyone that we are from Zcash, and yes, unlike Spain, here people do know about Zcash, Zooko, ECC.

Here we are proud to represent Zcash, and the ZK AVClub!


Our collaborators @gordonesTV and @AuraBritoSM are making Hackers Congress Paralelní Polis 2024 sound like a cypherpunk dev wonderland :ninja:

Go Team Z :zap: :shield:


Amazing coverage of Hackers Congress Paralelní Polis by @gordonesTV and @AuraBritoSM for Zk Audiovisual Club :zap::shield:

Event promotion and hype are A LOT of work and organizers don’t have time for it. We know this and …

Zk Av Club fixes this :slight_smile:


The final review of Hackers Congress Paralelní Polis 2024 #HCPP24

:heart_on_fire: :rocket: @gordonesTV and @AuraBritoSM share their wonderful story of a heartfelt homecoming!

To experience these two friends meet their tribe and be welcomed with open arms and ears is inspiring and motivating for anyone with an eye on the current fight for digital privacy and freedom.

It may be even good enough to revitalize some of us jaded old cypherpunks who have all but lost hope.

Much gratitude and love to the Zcast duo for their great coverage and extraordinary passion :heart:

Shields up :shield: Dazzle on :zap:

ps. Big thanks to @ElectricCoinCo and @ZcashFoundation for hooking them up with funds to make their trip possible :heart_hands:


That’s right, @ryan.taylor !
There is immense work to be done behind the events, and they need to be pushed, too.

Thanks to the entire Global Zcash community, to @joshs , to the @ZcashFoundation , to @Danika , to @ElectricCoinCo , to ZK AVClub, for following everything we’ve been posting about this great event.

We are still active! We are already back in Barcelona, to review another event, to which we were invited (and that has nothing to do with blockchain technology):


Communities have power and this event was another example of that.

Undoubtedly, meeting, learning, philosophizing about privacy, security, freedom, protocols and developments has been an incredible experience.

HCPP24 was a unique opportunity to reactivate ties, talk a lot about Zcash and let people know what is being done in our community.

Thanks to everyone who made this representation possible, to @joshs, to the @ZcashFoundation , to @Danika , to @ElectricCoinCo , to ZK AVClub, for supporting us, for trusting us and for allowing us once again to appreciate the value and normality of privacy.

I hope we can see more Zcash representation at these events every year.

See you at the next stop…


Zcash video contest!

Let’s celebrate Zashi x Coinbase :tada:

Win 500 $USD in $ZEC :coin: :zap: :shield:


Zcast: HCPP24 Día 3 - A day full of messages of freedom and privacy!*

:zap: :shield: @AuraBritoSM @gordonesTV

*now with English subtitles


It makes me very happy to announce

We’ve assembled a core team to build the Zk Av Club into a force to be reckoned with.

My heart swells with excitement and anticipation of what we’ll be creating over the next 3 months.

Watch, our social channels and calendar to keep up. You won’t want to miss what’s coming!

Huge thanks for the confidence and support of this killer team :sparkling_heart: @AuraBritoSM @gordonesTV @robmarn @squirrel @decentralistdan @Autotunafish

Our collective path is clear and individual responsibilities established, setting the stage for great success and I could not be happier with the outlook.

Go Team Z :zap::shield:


On the contrary! Honored and grateful for the invitation. It is a pleasure for me to work with these Zcashers that I admire and I know they are hard at what they do.

Around here I am also excited about the first activities, to continue spreading privacy, security and freedom, and in several languages!

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