Zero-knowledge Audiovisual Club

Zero-knowledge Audiovisual Club is not leaving Zcash :zebra::zebra::zebra:

i’m sorry if my messaging made you think that.
we are growing. building bridges.

This effort will take my time and attention to other websites, channels and communities – to broaden the horizons and brighten the future of the Zk Av Club.

icymi the club has a new website, full of rabbit holes for you to explore

We’re especially interested in bringing a/v support to cool events!

If you find an event and think we’d be a good fit, drop a link here or in the Zk Av Club discord and i’ll look into it.



Keep growing!!! :clap: :clap: :clap:

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What kind of events?

i’m glad you asked :wink:

DWeb Camp was incredible. indescribable, really. A great example of the sort of event i’m talking about and the kind of support we can bring.

After i get a week or two of rest and recovery, i’ll start sorting through more than ½TB of audio/video content that @Autotunafish and i brought home, to archive and share.

In the meantime, here’s the first video from DWeb Camp 2024 to reach the archive:

and some photos :camera_flash:


some cypherpunk zebra wizards gen’d with grok for your enjoyment :zebra::zebra::zebra:

fuel for image-to-video :wink:


i’m getting Hackers Congress at Paralelní Polis tickets for Zk Av Club collaborators …

See the offer in the Zk Av Club server

:link: offer message


New calendar for events of interest to Zk Av Club :zap: :shield:

there’s a new one for DWeb Berlin, too :globe_with_meridians:

also started publishing source files (close to source, anyway) from DWeb Camp in and made a list in my archive account where i added them.
:link: Internet Archive: Digital Library of Free & Borrowable Books, Movies, Music & Wayback Machine


Did you know that the Zero-knowledge Audiovisual Club website is open source and hosted on Github? … for many many reasons which may become clear to you, if you pay attention.


previous post was a false celebration of 900 ZKAV followers on x.
i decided against the whole thing.



my September events (more to come):

  1. DWeb Berlin is reconnecting tomorrow at
  2. helping at Least Authority booth at IFA Berlin on Sunday
  3. going to Gathering of Tribes next week and specifically not doing anything related to “work”


getting full with two big events for Zk Av Clubbers already confirmed, both starting on the 4th:

  1. i’m collaborating with Causal Islands Berlin
  2. we have several Zcashers attending HCPP

For updates: Subscribe to our calendars!
Zk Av Club and DWeb Berlin


Happy Saturday Zk Av Clubbers :zap::shield:

Plans for the next couple of months are heating up and i’ve decided to bring back the weekly workshops so y’all can get more directly involved with everything.
Probably the first week of October.

In the meantime, my personal focus is on adjyleak10 which will include a bunch of events and posts and fun stuff to watch and do.

After next week, I’ll start to create prizes and hire folks to help with the celebration of the 10-year anniversary of my livestreamer identity, Adjy Leak


I helped out at the Least Authority booth at IFA Berlin with @Liz315 today.

Talked to some nice folks. Practiqué mi español con un desconocido.

Even met a livestreaming team based in Poland, Nadaje Broadcasting, who have been in the industry since 2007!

Here are a few photos of the Least Authority booth :camera_flash:

also noteworthy: the booth next to us had a real-time speech-to-text-to-speech translation device and another nearby booth had a flying car. The future is now, my friends.


Great! Practicando el español. :clap: :clap: :clap: :laughing:

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