A question about the total supply of Zcash

Since Zcash is a privacy coin, how can we obtain the exact supply data? If a hacker produces millions of coins by an unknown bug, we can find it?

See: Defense Against Counterfeiting in Shielded Pools - Electric Coin Company

Since Sapling release, Zcash has what’s called a Turnstile Audit: Sprout-to-Sapling Migration — Zcash Documentation 5.2.0 documentation

Which will be part of the consensus code as of the 2.0.5 release:

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See also this github issue for some more clarification of the question: Define "monetary base" and "audit" in the context of Zcash · Issue #2289 · zcash/zcash · GitHub

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I had the same question that was previously asked, thanks for the information!