A Usability Challenge for the Zcash Community (ZSAs)

I’d like to propose a challenge to the Zcash community: help me make a ZSA!

The challenge is simple:

At some point, after ZSAs have activated on mainnet, I want someone to reply to this thread with “ZSAs are ready! Here’s how to get started: <link>.”

Once that happens, and several other community members agree, I will sync a zebra node, make sure my Zashi wallet has balance, then start three timers. I will then click the link and launch my own ZSA as quickly as I can. As soon as I’m able to create the ZSA and send some of it in a transaction to myself, I will stop the first timer.

I will then try to find a mobile (iPhone) wallet that supports ZSAs, and as soon as I successfully send some of the ZSA to my iPhone and back, I will stop the second timer.

What about the third timer? Well, I want to reward visitors to my website with one of my newly-created tokens and I want to display a list of people who have donated their token back to me (identified by their name included in the memo). As soon as my website is providing URLs for visitors to claim their token and automatically displaying the memos of people who have donated tokens back, I will stop the third timer.

The challenge will be graded by the results of the three timers. For the first timer,

A+ (4.3): <30 minutes
A (4.0): <1 hour
B (3.0): <3 hours
C (2.0): <8 hours
D (1.0): <48 hours
F (0.0): >48 hours or I gave up

For the second timer,

A+ (4.3): <1 hour
A (4.0): <2 hours
B (3.0): <8 hours
C (2.0): <48 hours
D (1.0): <72 hours
F (0.0): >72 hours or I gave up

For the third timer,

A+ (4.3): <4 hours
A (4.0): <8 hours
B (3.0): <2 days
C (2.0): <4 days
D (1.0): <10 days
F (0.0): >10 days or I gave up

The final score will be the average of these three scores. I will do my best to get everything done as quickly as possible, but I will be acting like someone with a casual-but-motivated interest in ZSAs (as I genuinely am) which means I won’t be pulling all-nighters to get it done and I might quit if the process becomes too frustrating or confusing. I will not accept hands-on assistance for the first two tasks, but for the third, sending me pull requests and offering advice is fair game. The challenge is one-shot, meaning once I start, it cannot be re-started.

In case it’s not obvious, in this challenge, I’m modeling a newcomer to Zcash who’s evaluating ZSAs as an option for creating their own private asset, and who will move on if it’s too hard or if it takes too much time. I obviously have advantages over a true newcomer, such as having read the ZSA zips, so it should be informative if I fail.

What do you think of my grading scheme? Can we get an A?


I am in, it seems a complex challege but would be easier once it begin.


I think this is a great idea.

In retrospective, NU5 had little momentum. While UAs took a lot of development time from the core team, they were not supported until far down the road and is still the case that they don’t have much adoption anywhere and they are not solving the problem they are supposed to.

UAs are huge! I remember the place I was sitting and the weather that day the idea came up. But to most people they are “meh”

We should pay close attention to how we deploy ZSAs to not lose an opportunity to build up great momentum, engagement and adoption. The community deserves that ZSA deployment is a celebration :confetti_ball: that brings in a lot of new zcashers

Let’s do it!

Happy New Year!


7 posts were split to a new topic: How to pay offline with zcash in any situation

Very cool idea! I am looking forward to your ZSA. Do you already have an asset in mind, that you want to shield on the Zcash blockchain? I am still hoping we will see a relaunch of the Cypherpunk ZERO NFTs.

It would be great if the @moderators split this conversation into a new topic.
It’s getting really off topic from OP.


Agreed, done

@HHIROSHIMA please keep on topic from here forward