All ECC teams focused on wallet performance

ECC is pleased to announce the pre-release availability of the Spend before Sync (SbS) capability in our mobile SDKs. Available in both iOS and Android versions, this new capability builds upon previous sync parallelization and optimization work to provide a much improved user experience. In addition to the traditional linear sync, Spend Before Sync introduces a non-linear sync, allowing the ability to spend funds as they were discovered without requiring the wallet to fully sync the entire blockchain.

This new feature provides a faster and more robust user experience when accessing Zcash via a light client wallet. Our wallet partners Nighthawk, Edge, and Unstoppable, have already started work to integrate the new SDK features into their products. The ECC team has thoroughly tested the updated SDKs, and we will await feedback from these wallets before tagging version 2.0.

In addition to this release, the ECC team has opened a closed beta program for our own commercial wallet, Zashi. Testers, more than two dozen of them, have provided great feedback so far, and we are excited to give you news on this soon.