Amendments to ZOMG and Potentially ZIP 1014

Here is the ongoing topic about the transparency breaches, please bring up specifics of what you want to get addressed. Zcash Foundation - Breach of Its Obligations Under ZIP 1014

The transparency of direct grant recipients would need to be in line with ZIP-1014 or follow up ZIPs.
Zcash has existed since October, 2016. Several privacy focussed coins have since then raised private money and are pushing the adoption to the end users while some Zcashers worry about maturity. Announcing Iron Fish - Privacy for Everyone | Iron Fish - Private, anonymous, and easy to use cryptocurrency
For the direct grant recipient - development roadmap, HR and execution, all need to be evaluated & approved by successful entrepreneurs & builders in the crypto space + ZCAP. ZCAP and the community needs to make the bold consensus to attract parties that can build teams and execute a framework of RFPs which can be defined by ECC/ZF.

Why Direct Grants - We are more than half way to the issuance of ZEC. Zcash is capable & has decided to fund development & growth activity initiatives without having conflict of interests with the teams that build VS the same driven teams going to VCs to raise funding and ending up “selling” privacy as a service as seen in the rest of the industry.

I want Zcash to be the defecto Privacy coin with several real-world use cases for holders, and if ZOMG funding cannot make that happen, then if ECC can manage building on multiple fronts, especially with the recent user-focussed product strategy, I would support increasing the % of Development Fund allocation to ECC. ECC transitions to user-focused product strategy - Electric Coin Company

Lastly, for the teams working on large deliverables, all that matters is making clear there will be funding, as it is challenging to convince & attract new builders to start planning long term contributions to Zcash.