In light of the recent events that have transpired including (1) the issues highlighted in posts from Chris, ML, and Zooko, (2) the results of a recent unofficial community sentiment poll related to ZOMG, (3) and the Zcash Foundation’s (ZF) decision to postpone the ZOMG election, I believe the time has come for members of the Zcash community to work together to amend ZIP 1014.
While I remain open to other ideas, I firmly believe it will be incredibly difficult to improve ZOMG without amending ZIP 1014 because the two are inextricably linked. In fact, many of the issues we’ve been discussing seem to be rooted in the underlying contention that exists between ECC and ZF as a result of the trademark dispute and the compromises made in ZIP 1014. Consequently, the original purpose and spirit behind the creation of ZOMG have gotten lost in a narrow interpretation of ZIP 1014 that is driven by a desire to maintain the balance of power between the ECC and ZF.
ZIP 1014 is not etched in stone. It is a living document that can be amended and changed to better serve our ecosystem without compromising its integrity. So, let’s move forward and use the recent events as an opportunity to reframe the conversation, set aside our differences, and work together to find a solution that benefits ZOMG for the long term.
As I previously mentioned, I am happy to take the lead on drafting an amendment. In order to draft something all parties agree on, it will be necessary to form an independent committee comprised of members from ZF, ECC, current and prospective ZOMG members, and key community members.
Below is a preliminary plan. Once we agree on the purpose, structure, and form of the committee, I will add date ranges to each phase.
Purpose of committee: To work towards a solution to improve ZOMG’s structure by addressing the issues raised and amending ZIP 1014 accordingly.
Suggested Composition (2 members as representatives for each group)
Secretary: @aquietinvestor
ECC: @zooko @alchemydc
ZF: @amiller @alex_zf
ZOMG (current): @ml_sudo @cburniske
ZOMG (prospective): TBD
Community: TBD
Suggested Process
Phase 1: Establish the committee: I’ve suggested potential committee members above based on their involvement in recent discussions. It is not my intention to exclude anyone, so please let me know if any alternations are needed. “TBD”: I will seek advice from ECC/ZF regarding who is best to include.
Phase 2: Information gathering: Rather than immediately hopping into public discussion, I think it would be more efficient if I first spoke in private to ECC/ZF/ZOMG committee members to better understand each party’s interests, position, deal breakers, etc. From there I will summarize each group’s position and create an agenda to guide public discussion.
Phase 3: Public discussion: I will organize and facilitate meetings for committee members on Youtube/Zoom to discuss the relevant issues. Community members are welcome to join to listen in, ask questions, and contribute ideas. Public discussions will be recorded and available for playback (via the ECC or ZF Youtube channel).
Phase 4: Draft ZIP 1014 Amendment
Phase 5: Public Review of ZIP 1014 Draft Amendment
Phase 6: Poll ZCAP to approve recommendation
This is just a rough draft. I am open to suggestions. Please comment below and provide feedback. If we work together in an efficient manner, we can get this done within the 90-day deferral period.
Thank you,
Jason McGee