ZOMG-ZIP 1014 Independent Review Committee

In light of the recent events that have transpired including (1) the issues highlighted in posts from Chris, ML, and Zooko, (2) the results of a recent unofficial community sentiment poll related to ZOMG, (3) and the Zcash Foundation’s (ZF) decision to postpone the ZOMG election, I believe the time has come for members of the Zcash community to work together to amend ZIP 1014.

While I remain open to other ideas, I firmly believe it will be incredibly difficult to improve ZOMG without amending ZIP 1014 because the two are inextricably linked. In fact, many of the issues we’ve been discussing seem to be rooted in the underlying contention that exists between ECC and ZF as a result of the trademark dispute and the compromises made in ZIP 1014. Consequently, the original purpose and spirit behind the creation of ZOMG have gotten lost in a narrow interpretation of ZIP 1014 that is driven by a desire to maintain the balance of power between the ECC and ZF.

ZIP 1014 is not etched in stone. It is a living document that can be amended and changed to better serve our ecosystem without compromising its integrity. So, let’s move forward and use the recent events as an opportunity to reframe the conversation, set aside our differences, and work together to find a solution that benefits ZOMG for the long term.

As I previously mentioned, I am happy to take the lead on drafting an amendment. In order to draft something all parties agree on, it will be necessary to form an independent committee comprised of members from ZF, ECC, current and prospective ZOMG members, and key community members.

Below is a preliminary plan. Once we agree on the purpose, structure, and form of the committee, I will add date ranges to each phase.

Purpose of committee: To work towards a solution to improve ZOMG’s structure by addressing the issues raised and amending ZIP 1014 accordingly.

Suggested Composition (2 members as representatives for each group)

Secretary: @aquietinvestor
ECC: @zooko @alchemydc
ZF: @amiller @alex_zf
ZOMG (current): @ml_sudo @cburniske
ZOMG (prospective): TBD
Community: TBD

Suggested Process

Phase 1: Establish the committee: I’ve suggested potential committee members above based on their involvement in recent discussions. It is not my intention to exclude anyone, so please let me know if any alternations are needed. “TBD”: I will seek advice from ECC/ZF regarding who is best to include.

Phase 2: Information gathering: Rather than immediately hopping into public discussion, I think it would be more efficient if I first spoke in private to ECC/ZF/ZOMG committee members to better understand each party’s interests, position, deal breakers, etc. From there I will summarize each group’s position and create an agenda to guide public discussion.

Phase 3: Public discussion: I will organize and facilitate meetings for committee members on Youtube/Zoom to discuss the relevant issues. Community members are welcome to join to listen in, ask questions, and contribute ideas. Public discussions will be recorded and available for playback (via the ECC or ZF Youtube channel).

Phase 4: Draft ZIP 1014 Amendment

Phase 5: Public Review of ZIP 1014 Draft Amendment

Phase 6: Poll ZCAP to approve recommendation

This is just a rough draft. I am open to suggestions. Please comment below and provide feedback. If we work together in an efficient manner, we can get this done within the 90-day deferral period.

Thank you,

Jason McGee


Thanks for taking the lead!


Last August, the Foundation wrote:

The Foundation recognizes that ZIP1014 is the current will of the community. It went through the ZIP process AND it was voted on by the Community Advisory Panel.

We acknowledge that as with any ZIP, changes to the basic structure and charter of the MGRC may be proposed in the future by the Zcash community at large. If changes are proposed, we believe that they should go through a formal governance process (i.e., the CAP or its successor) before any amendments are made. This follows logically from the role that the CAP already plays in approving and electing the MGRC.

(NB: This was written before the Committee had decided to adopt the ZOMG brand.)

The Foundation is happy to take part in discussions about changes to ZIP1014. However, we think it important that such discussions should be open and transparent, and that no restrictions should be imposed on who can participate.

We feel that the legitimacy of the governance process that resulted in the adoption of ZIP1014 relied, in large part, on the fact that anyone who complied with the community code of conduct had the opportunity to draft, put forward, discuss and critique proposals. It was a permissionless process that resulted in a diversity of ideas and opinions, and avoided selection bias.

We believe that the same principle should apply to proposing changes to ZIP1014. Therefore, our participation in any specific group’s discussions should not be interpreted as endorsement of that group or any proposal that it puts forward.

If any other person or group wishes to propose changes to ZIP1014, we encourage them to do so. We will aim to provide as much support and feedback to all such efforts as we are able to.


Quick Update: ECC/ZF/ZOMG committee members have been determined, and I’m hoping to be finished with the “information gathering” conversations specified in Phase 2 above in the next one or two business days. I anticipate the first “public discussion” being held early the week of October 18.

If you’re a prospective ZOMG member or a community member with strong views on the future of ZOMG, please comment below, DM me, or email me at aquietinvestor@gmail.com

Committee Members:
ECC: Zooko Wilcox and David Campbell
ZF: Jack Gavigan and Alex Bornstein
ZOMG: ML and Hudson Jameson

I will follow up with more information next week.



cc: @aiyadt @Autotunafish @BrunchTime @copernicus @hanh @wobbzz


Thanks @aquietinvestor for the update!! You can sign me up for discussions


Sign me up for the discussions! Hopefully some of the other candidates and existing ZOMG members can participate as well. It would be great to hear your input!

1 Like

The review will be interesting to hear but the zip already ensures the methods used to initiate it will be the same that modify it.
“The new Dev Fund system should be simple to understand and realistic to implement. In particular, it should not assume the creation of new mechanisms (e.g., election systems) or entities (for governance or development) for its execution; but it should strive to support and use these once they are built.”


I’d be happy to join this committee discussion, if it’s helpful.

(For context: I’m the author of ZIP 1012, discussed here, which ZIP 1014 is based on.)


Thank you @tromer, you are the person with the best understanding of ZIP 1014 and how it evolved so your insights here will be priceless.


Update: The first meeting has been scheduled for Wednesday, October 20 from 1:00pm Pacific Time (8:00pm UTC) to 2:30pm Pacific Time (9:30pm UTC). Zoom meeting details will be provided early next week. The meeting will be live streamed and recorded for later viewing. Community members are welcome to join to listen in, ask questions, and contribute ideas.

Committee Members :
ECC: Zooko Wilcox and David Campbell
ZF: Jack Gavigan and Alex Bornstein
ZOMG: ML and Hudson Jameson
ZOMG Candidate: wobbzz
Community: Eran Tromer and dontbeevil

Looking forward to an interesting and constructive discussion!


The ZOMG-ZIP 1014 Independent Review Committee Community Call will be happening on Wednesday, Oct 20, 2021. Participants will include members of the ElectricCoinCo, ZcashFoundation, ZOMG and the Zcash community.

Registration details: :point_down:



Zoom is sort of spyware. Jitsi is a good alternative.


Here is the post by @tromer referenced on the community call, regarding ZOMG funding multiple other entities & the spirit of ZIP1014 & the idea of “Major Grants”


The second meeting has been scheduled for Wednesday, November 10 from 1:00pm Pacific Time (21:00 UTC) to 2:30pm Pacific Time (22:30 UTC). Zoom meeting details will be provided by ZF. The meeting will be live streamed and recorded for later viewing.

One of the reoccurring themes that came up during the first discussion was whether or not the relationship between ZF and ZOMG is too constricting. As such, we will use the second meeting as an opportunity to explore how ZOMG can operate with more autonomy. More specifically, we’ll discuss the pros and cons to amending ZIP 1014 to allow ZOMG a discretionary budget (subject to 501(c)3 restrictions) that allows committee members to allocate financial resources in limited circumstances in order to make itself more effective.

Community members are welcome to join to listen in, ask questions, and contribute ideas.


No surprise, you were leading into that pretty heavily on the last talk

Hi @Autotunafish,

It shouldn’t be a “surprise” because the name of the committee is the “ZOMG-ZIP 1014 Independent Review Committee” and its clearly defined purpose is to “work towards a solution to improve ZOMG’s structure by addressing the issues raised and amending ZIP 1014 accordingly.”

Please let me know if you have any constructive feedback on the first meeting. Also, if you’d like to join as a panelist for the second meeting to contribute your thoughts, we’d be more than happy to include you.



I’m talking about you leading heavily into the idea of the solution you describe working towards being bifurcation which is not wholly implied by the purpose. And thank you for the invite but no, I will observe and then offer any thoughts I may have afterwards.

Below please find the registration form for the ZOMG-ZIP 1014 Independent Review Committee Call #2 that takes place later today >>>


21:00-22:30 Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)
1 – 2:30 P.M. Pacific Time (PT)
2 – 3:30 P.M. Mountain Time (MT)
4 - 5:30 P.M. Eastern Time (ET)


I couldn’t attend the call! @aquietinvestor you can remove me from the attendee list. I’ll do best when it comes to writing not spontaneous speaking.