Amendments to ZOMG and Potentially ZIP 1014

@Dodger Please see my proposed amendment to ZIP 1014. I believe this would allow ZOMG members to be paid and hire contractors without turning ZOMG into an independent operating company. It leaves ZF oversight in place. ZF would continue to administer and disburse all ZOMG funds, ZF approval would be required for ZOMG to hire contractors (which would be subject to an annual cap), and ZF would determine the rate at which ZOMG members are paid. More importantly, with the amendment to the ZIP, ZF would not have to utilize its own funds or employment resources to assist ZOMG. You’ve said yourself, ZF is already understaffed and is behind on a lot of its own work. Why commit your own staffing and financial resources to assist ZOMG? This amendment not only maintains the integrity of ZIP 1014, but also benefits both ZF and ZOMG. It’s a win-win.

If you sincerely believe this amendment is inconsistent with the intention of ZIP 1014, I ask that you poll ZCAP to determine if the community’s sentiment is aligned with yours.

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