MGRC QA panel:
- ZIP Ambiguity: The ZIP-1014 language has some ambiguities. Where would you stand on how to interpret and implement operational activities when there is no explicit language to guide you? How should the MGRC consider community will/preference?
A) if 1014 ambiguities become a real problem; MGRC should re-word trouble spots with heavy community input.
- MGRC Role: Should MGRC be a “driving actor” or provide sourcing, oversight and review? [context]. Should MGRC be more of a bureaucracy (with hierarchy, continuity, defined rules, and expertise) or can it be an adhocracy (decentralized and flexible)?
A) MGRC should be capable of being a driving factor, and provide oversight, etc. this is why i’m not too excited about voting for candidates with part time availability. don’t believe MGRC should operate as a bureaucracy/hierarchy, but understand if there’s a mixture of full/part time members; full time members would probably become the ring leaders by default.
- Teamwork: Have you had previous experiences of being put together rather arbitrarily in a team before? If so, how did you manage? How will you go about managing disagreements between 1) yourself and another MGRC member and 2) other MGRC members with each other?
A) previous experience -
yes, i’m very comfortable working with teams. definitely wouldn’t be running for a spot on MGRC if i felt i couldn’t work with a team.
managing disagreements
most logical answer to managing disagreements between members is aerial jousting. survivor wins the debate.
- Processes: If you were elected to the MGRC, what processes and frameworks would you attempt to set in place in order to allow frictionless collaboration between the members of the MGRC? Is it a conflict of interest for a member of another cryptocurrency project to be on the MGRC?
A) MGRC should do a deep analysis of how ECC/ZF already operates in this fashion. seems to work well for them. no reason to reinvent the wheel.
Is it a conflict of interest for a member of another cryptocurrency project to be on the MGRC?
for the most part, no, but wouldn’t be real excited about a candidate that works for the competition (XMR for example).