Arborist Call to discuss NU6 and NU7

Last week’s Arborist call (which was attended by both Equilibrium and QEDIT) would have been a great time to discuss this.

The next early-slot Arborist call (which is the best time for Equilibrium and QEDIT) is scheduled for May 2nd. Alternatively, we can repurpose the timeslot we currently use for the ZF-ECC engineering meeting (Thursday at 15:00 UTC / 16:00 BST).

Tagging @_jon, @vivek, @aquietinvestor, @tomek


Both @str4d and I were on vacation.

I think the latter would work better.

This day and time works for @tomek and me.

That will work for us.

We will draft an agenda and publish it here early next week.

We would like to hold this meeting in a public Zoom call so that the community can participate by listening and asking questions as needed. If you set that up with a link, we will also circulate. Let me know if you have any objections.

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I’ve confirmed with @vivek and @_jon from QEDIT that they’re available so…

We’ve scheduled a call for this Thursday 18th April, at 15:00 UTC / 16:00 BST.

The Zoom link is:

The Zoom link is:

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Brilliant. Thank you @Dodger.

Proposed agenda. Let me know if I’ve missed something:

  • Current state:

    • ZSAs and work required for completion
    • Sustainability Fund and potential path to adoption
    • zcashd requirements for deprecation, possible paths and rollout
  • NU6 feature scope and timeline

  • NU7 feature scope and timeline

  • Gauging community sentiment for whether or not to renew the development fund


We should also schedule an NU5 retro.

I appreciate the request and that you’ve made it to ECC in the past. However, I’m not interested in spending time on events and decisions that occurred years ago, and where many of the decision makers at the time are no longer here and able to provide perspective. We’re in a new era at ECC.

where do community members best interact with ECC in this new era?

Lol. A little snark?

Here is great @lawzec , or Discord. We’re responding and engaging. Feel free to DM me here, tg, twitter or wherever. Aborist calls are good for connecting with core team. You can also apply to the Z|ECC summit in July and presenting at ZconV. If you need links, let me know and I’ll gladly post them for you.

ECC Discord:

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New Zoom link:

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  • Deprecating zcashd major blocker for ZSA’s
  • Deprecating work has been delayed mainly due to sandblasting emergency mode work
  • ZSA completion + Audits also needed
  • Exchange wallets depend on zcashd; larger than normal friction to motivate change
  • Seems to be more work than devs can accomplish within Nov timeline
  • ZF and ECC communication needs to improve

Just want to comment that I appreciate all the hard work ECC, ZF, and QEDIT have been putting in. It’s clear to me that passions are running high because the teams won’t be able to achieve all the goals this November. IMHO, we should focus on things that can be done, and the community feels are most important, and are reasonable to be completed within the coming deadlines.

I think everyone from the community should watch this call, if only to see how much these teams care about Zcash. :hearts: :zebra:


If every Abortist call was like this :point_up_2:, Zcash would be the number 1 coin on coinmarketcap, and Bitcoin would be meme.

By far the best thing I’ve watched in 2024. Satoshi would be proud :clap:.

@str4d said anyone can propose a roadmap, here’s mine:

Consolidate efforts and bring forward NU6 to August 2024 - probably the least impressive Zcash upgrade ever and won’t have no impact on price despite the halving. the community won’t mind if … :point_down:

Save ZSAs for NU7 and DEPLOY IN JANUARY 2025 (ZSAs deserves it’s own upgrade + start the year with an absolute bang)

@Dodger and @joshs Zcash needs abortist calls like this weekly if it intends to be taken seriously. Well done.


I actually felt the call went really well. Gave me some hope. Still need to see execution. It’s all about deprecation of ZcashD. Was a real breath of fresh air to have someone like Ian helping to focus on priorities and drive the project forward. I really hope ECC can get on the same page and view the blockchain more broadly and inclusively. It scares me to hear things from @joshs like Bitcoin is captured. It’s actually the opposite, Bitcoin has captured a very large share of the market. It’s doing what it’s supposed to do. This is a marathon and it’s working way better than almost anyone could have imagined as a store of value. Hopefully ECC can start thinking about how to capture market share (zsa, stablecoins are the use case for day to day spending, as opposed to long term store of value which is ZEC, and i’ll keep repeating it until it’s proven false) and that might mean we have to enable people to opt into compliance for the sake of getting at least some level of privacy even if it’s not the extreme best, it would still be the best at a scale that can reach a global population instead of a small niche. This is a competition and we need to get to scale quickly. The world isn’t waiting around for zcash to figure it out.

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It’s ok for you to take a dev tax of 20%;. but it’s not ok for a democratically elected country like the US to collect taxes? If you truly believe we should not be taxed forcefully you should remove the dev tax and make it optional.
or opt out of your share and stick to your ideals and ask for donations. In my view your version of taxes is much harsher than the US fed cap gains tax. There is no way around your tax and it’s paid up front if we lose money or not. At least the capital gains tax is based upon capital gains.

The thing I dislike about zcash most is the governance with all these orgs looks too much like a government;!except we can’t vote.

bitcoin is free to own/buy and they don’t tax the owner as far as i can tell. maybe Bitcoin has not been as destructive as you would have liked. again its a marathon and i believe its might end up as a reserve asset. I personally think that was the goal and it’s still in process. That means bitcoin eventually fades into the fabric of the ecosystem and makes it harder for governments like the US to issue fiat. it’s a control mechanism to help block inflationary fiat issuance.

same for zec. as a fiat currency. it’s probably not worth anything. but as a reserve asset with zsa and stablecoins and programmability it has a lot of potential. Just as important, what I suggest doesn’t take away from your building for a dystopian future. It’s just you also need to building for everyday people at the same time. hedge zcash develolment like you hedge your money. I know your moving in the direction required and not taking an extreme view; just needs to be harder and faster.

  1. amp is compliant and are adding them.
  2. you have opt in compliance on the roadmap
  3. you have zsa/stablecoins on roadmap.
  4. you have transparent addresses which is the large majority of ownership and transactions. (i think most everyone wouldn’t mind if this was gone?)

So all i ask like those on the call is to prioritize depreciation of zcashd as the highest priority development effort. Focus on capturing market share and act as a fiduciary to zec holders.

it seems you guys did well with privacy at the base layer. now time to apply it in ways that regular people can use (trust probably a better word) and that likely means optin compliance (and stablecoins) to get the required scale where the biproduct is that it actually makes zec worth something.

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Wow, I thought America was the land of the free?

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These people are trying to get in to the US, not out! Apparently a lot of people believe it is the land of opportunity as well. Millions and millions try to get in every year and they pay money to handlers to get them in.

Im convinced the USA will have the best blockchain technology in the world, and it has begun the transition to tokenize everything. Zcash needs to get in the game. Deprecate ZcashD now. Tear down that wall Ethereum is currently eating the world when it comes to transitioning the legacy system to blockchain. They are helping (eg paypal has a stableoin on Ethereum, thats helping in the transition), not trying to build a system side by side or an island and then hope people come. Its a 5, 10, 20 year+transition and hopefully Zcash can see what is going on and take part. Lose the politics and focus on technology, users, and a great customer experience.
@zkcroc @joshs
(@zkcroc At least try to weave the arborist call NU6/NU7 into your post; not sure what IRS rules have to do with the call :wink:)

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with Pictures. You realize you mention your drum beat every post? How about following your own advice! Spoken like a true politician.

What you want it to do. :smirk:

Yes. And it starts by actually using it. :zebra:

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