This is about everything I could find that I ever posted about it. The details evolved a little over time but the overall scheme is pretty much the same now as then. It didn’t garner much interest but since we’re discussing it now then I suppose I should post about it again, they may not follow chronological order.
My last idea was kind of scattered across the bitcoin vs gold thread and, not unlike all my other previous ideas, consists of a far-out hybrid model (the hows aren’t ironed out and may not work at all idk). The reason for that stems back to the asic mega-discussion and my own reasoning that an asic-gpu ‘stalemate’ of sorts is the best option. I helped chilebob with that even-odd scheme that time which was super fun though how to pit them evenly was the problem, they’re two different kinds of mac…
Pos for a sustainable furture, a headline to an article I couldn’t bring myself to read though I assume implies that changing the software will dissuade using well established methods of energy production, is complete hogwaller. PoW (or the idea anyways) keeps pressure on big energy to clean up it’s act. The miners’ total electrical consumption is distributed enough that, though they might constitute a larger customer for a particular grid, the effect of losing them would be equally distributed …
I once had an idea for a (weird) different hybrid asic-gpu PoW scheme where instead of trying to eliminate the energy consumption (at least half by incentive anyways) instead direct it at meaningful work like crunching or folding for science or medicine or whatever. Its tricky because its (maybe) somewhat detrimental to network security because incentive for asics development (the validators) would be halved again (but if history serves then it won’t matter)and gpus would need paid out out in so…
Idea, a proof of research chain like gridcoin (because of the aforementioned reasons) where people earn Zcash (simply) using boinc
No transactions besides the mining payout and sending from researchers address (ZR maybe) to the original chain (ZS) occur, no coins can be sent back from the main chain to the research chain (this prevents pools but no real need for pools anyways with this setup)
Instead of time locking the mining reward it should time lock the ability to send to the original chai…
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