@nickm_tor ZOMG discussed your proposal at our meeting this week and there was a lot of support for it among ZOMG members.
Given the size of the grant and the length of the grant timeline, we’re considering committing as far as one of the middle milestones, e.g. 1.1.0 in the milestones, and we wanted to know whether that would work for you or change the proposal in any way.
This would take us about 15 months into the grant, at which point a future ZOMG would have more information about whether to renew. 1.1.0 is also significant in that it’s the point where Arti would be ready to integrate into Zcash wallet apps like Zecwallet, Nighthawk, and Unstoppable, for which hidden service support is not required, as it would be for full Zcash nodes to use Arti.
I assume that funding for 15 months, with the likelihood of continued funding if things are successful, would be a good outcome here for all of us! But if there are any issues with this, or if it changes the proposal in any way, could you let us know?
I should also say that it’s still possible we’d decide to commit to the entire grant, with milestone-based payouts along the way, but having the flexibility to commit to the shorter ~15 month timeline makes it more likely we will fund you at some level.
Finally, the most important factor in us choosing to fund this grant will be, “is this important for Zcash, and will it definitely benefit Zcash users by becoming part of popular Zcash tools?” Most of us here are big fans of Tor, obviously. But our mandate is to fund work that strengthens Zcash and we take that seriously. We have key people at the ZF, ECC, and Nighthawk saying here in this thread that it is useful and will be used. But given the grant size we’re hoping to get an official thumbs-up from both organizations. So we’ll be reaching out to them both about that!
We’re also wondering if there’s any work we should budget for on your end that would increase our confidence that Arti will be integrated in Zcash tools. For example, could your team dedicate resources to actually integrating Arti into the wallet app SDK, or Zecwallet? Or to work alongside Zcash teams doing the integration? Could Zcash integration itself be one of the grant milestones? Given that ZOMG doesn’t itself have a development team, and that ECC and ZF have shifting priorities, it seems like we should do everything possible to consider “last mile” work right now in this proposal. Again, anything we can do to increase the likelihood of Tor getting integrated into Zcash tools—and benefitting Zcash users—will help ZOMG approve this proposal, so we’re open to ideas about this, and we’ll be asking the same questions to the teams working on these tools.