I think every successful network is made up of primarily three groups:
(1) diamond hands 

• These are the true believers. In the context of Zcash, these are the hodlers. They put their cybercoins in cold storage, run full nodes, and track their balance/memos via viewing keys. They refuse to be scammed into spending or trading their cybercoins. The diamond hands will always be a minority; they have low time-preference.
(2) paper hands 

• These are the agnostics. In the context of Zcash, these are people who will keep their cybercoins at a bank (e.g., Gemini). They are largely indifferent to XYZ; they view Zcash as an insurance policy. The paper hands will always be the majority; they have average time-preference. Most people who identify as Christian enjoy the benefits of the network (friends, family, rituals, holidays, etc.) but they haven’t actually read and/or understand their whitepaper.
(3) shitty hands 

• These are the degenerates. In the context of Zcash, these are people who daytrade countless cybercoins. Their main interest is news — news which they can use to pump or dump a given cybercoin. They want all of the benefits of being in a network without any cost. The shitty hands will always be in a minority; they have high time-preference.
It seems to me that most people already in Zcash are focused on attracting more shitty hands. Let’s have a stablecoin so the shitty hands can more easily go in and out of positions. Let’s throw shit at the wall and see what sticks. Let’s turn Zcash into a Swiss army knife. Let’s have tons of features. Killer app this, killer app that. Let’s do XYZ.
I think the successful path going forward, although admittedly a harder path, would be to attract more diamond hands. In order to attract more diamond hands, Zcash needs to address the elephant in the room: attack surface.
Here is how I think the attack surface of Zcash can be reduced going forward:
short-term: getting rid of toxic waste (haters love to point out the trusted setup)
mid-term: getting rid of t-addrs (fungibility is a key characteristic of money)
• I completely understand that t-addrs may have some use cases — but so does actual shit. Like, you can use shit as fertilizer. There are plenty of other t-addr chains out there which can address those shitty use cases. We shouldn’t be a hybrid.
Tesla > Prius
long-term: throwing away the keys (this includes getting rid of the dev tax, ECC, etc.)
• Like t-addrs, the correct way of looking at the dev tax is as a necessarily evil. We needed t-addrs in order to move more easily into better shielded pools. Likewise, we needed the dev tax in order to fund the development of the chain.
I implore everyone to read this article by Nick Szabo. If bitcoin was fungible, it would have already won the money race. Zcash cannot win the money race if it chooses to be less socially scalable. Zcash needs to reduce its attack surface.