Chat system that is cross chain

Hey I’m thinking about requesting a ZCG for this new project that I am working on. Its called HexoSafe Chat right now the name is 100% percent but I’m open to suggestions. This project is basically a cross chain chat service that can be used on any chain that supports contracts and that can connect to a web 3 wallet like meta mask or trust wallet the way the chat system works is that it uses a users cryptocurrency address as their phone number and with that a user can communicate with anyone who has connected to the system. This chat system is fully decentralized and focuses on privacy and it wouldn’t be used to sell peoples data to advertisers. Wanted to see how the community thought of it and give me any feedback they may have I left the whitepaper in here so you can get a better idea of it.HS chat whitepaper

So, how does this work with Zcash?

We are working on a implementation where it works with chains that don’t have smart contracts by just connecting your wallet to the system it would just be using your address as the place holder for a phone number