I wanted to chime in here with an escrow address for this auction and a signed message from my known public address to confirm my identity. If you would like to confirm personally by sending me a message on bitcointalk.org, that is also acceptable.
The Bitcoin address that will be used for this auction escrow is:
Please make sure to provide a return address where your BTC will be returned in the event it is not a winning bid. If no return address is provided, BTC for failed bids will be returned to the sending address.
Public Address: 168WXhArv7Fasqvi2xm5MQMfLhG18jifMe
Signed Message:
Address 1Zcash1bw9DNTbDkqaB67uYme44eEmtp6 is under my control and exclusively being used for the Toomim Bros Cloud Hashing Auction.