Cloud hashing auction (Toomim Bros)

We will need to be able to contact you for pool information before launch, if nothing else. Also, it’s a lot easier when we get your 2FA before you’ve put money on the table, rather than after (when scammers and hackers will want to steal your contract).

From the original post of this thread:

To create an account, please send an email to with the following information:

Your preferred Toomim Bros account username.
Your forum username (if you have one).
A return bitcoin (or ethereum) address. It is strongly recommended that you be able to sign messages7 with this address.
An email address. We will need this in order to get your pool information before activation. (PGP is nice if you have it. Our PGP keys are here2.)
Whether you will be using OgNasty’s escrow service.
Whether you expect to bid mostly privately or publicly. (You can switch later, but it helps us to know early.)
Optional: Phone number for 2FA.
Optional: Skype/Facetime/iChat for 2FA or answering questions.

Edit: Got it, @trolloniex.


For anyone sending to ToomIM or Ognasty addresses please use an account you have the private keys for. I made a mistake sending from an exchange address which routes the payment through other addresses.

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You can pay us directly from an exchange, as we use a different address for each customer. However, if you use OgNasty, you need to be careful to inform him to expect the amount before sending it.

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Pricing in our public auction is currently about 1/30th of Zeropond’s or Genesis Mining’s rates.

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Rule edit: Poloniex will be used for determining exchange rates.

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Dumb question, how do we submit private bids? I feel like I have read that a few too many times and I am just having a dumb moment. lol

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Fund the payment address we gave you, then send an email to with your bid.

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My bid which is the highest (2BTC for 25H/s) is the closest to Genesis-Minings.

Genesis mining has 25H/s for 6500USD or 10.604BTC for 1 year so 2.651BTC for 3 months
Zeropond has 50H/s for 14.516BTC for 6 months so for 25H/s divide 14.51/2/2 so 3.629 for 3 months

25H/s 3 Months
My Bid = 2 BTC
Genesis Mining = 2.651BTC
Zeropond = 3.629

The other bids are kind of throwing shit at a wall and see if it sticks IMHO


Not sure where that number came from

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@voxelot With the current bids, @trolloniex would only pay 6 mBTC/(H/s), or 0.15 BTC/(25 H/s), since that is the highest bid that would win if the auction ended now.

from email:

This thread is for bidding on Toomim Bros’s public auction of 3 months of ZCash hashing at 200 H/s. There is no minimum bid at this time. This auction will close at 5 pm PDT on Monday, Oct 9, 2016. Registered bidders only. See the the auction rules for details and for instructions on how to sign up.

Could you please specify for those over the pond auction closing time in GMT/UTC? Thank you!

Monday @5 PM PDT is Tuesday Oct 11 @00:00 GMT. No, that was not intentional.


Yes I know Im just stating my thought process on my bid.

I think you have your numbers wrong…

25H/s for 2BTC = 1H/s for 0.08BTC for 3 months. Where are your numbers coming from?

He wouldn’t pay 2 BTC as the auction currently stands. You pay the price of the lowest winning bid, not the bid you yourself make. The lowest winning bid is currently the last 25 H/s of breasal’s bid:

25 H/s @ 0.15 BTC (6 mBTC/(H/s)) – breasal

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Ohh I see, thanks for clarifying

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Im anticipating people to bid higher so if Im getting 6mBTC/(H/S) I’d be a happy camper. Highly doubt it though.

The point here is that you bid the highest amount you are willing to pay and just leave it at that. You will automatically get anything lower if applicable.


This is true for the public auction. For the private auction, it is a bit more complex. It doesn’t matter when you bid on the private auction, though, so you might as well just decide what bid you want to give and put it in.

My concern is that if you want in on this auction, but have no idea what your doing or how to bid it (looking at myself!) a good strategy seems to be to just throw out a giant number and assume you’ll win, but end up paying a far lower amount… That only works if you’re the only dumb guy/gal though

SO I guess the question is how many bidders are clueless like me?! lol

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I hope lots? /s

A better strategy is to throw out the highest number you would not regret paying.

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