Dev Fund 2024: Community Poll & Discussion Megathread

Is there a way we can associate IPs with user accounts on here? I have a sneaking suspicion (along with most accounts on Twitter/X) that most of the pro Zcash people are merely sockpuppets.

Not a sock puppet. Long time holder (vladimir club).

I am pro zcash the coin partly because I am bagholder, but also because I want shielded tech to work, but I am not pro any people or org.


So ECC mothballs zcashd, pushes a decentralization initiative that essentially removes things they used to do and the grand solution is to give them more funding to build another wallet???

With this approach, proof of stake won’t ever get done and you’ll be left with a proof of work coin that no one can use…

The team has momentum and is learning from their mistakes, and we can incentivize deliverables by tying wallet installs and network transactions to dev team bonus compensation. It would be a mistake to take your team out while they are deep in trenches.

And correction, sorry, in this hypothetical, ECC would continue development of the network/PoS, maintenance, etc. in addition to wallets. I believe this is already the ECC’s plan.

The main proposal is reallocating all resources from non-ECC stuff towards another dev team/unit/group focused exclusively on accelerating and maintaining integration work (with compensation also tied to integrations and network performance)

Same could be said for the trolls tbh

Haha. :ok:

Trolls don’t come in here randomly in favor of a strong recommend of the ECC dev fund.

Side note: wonder who is running this bot? :thinking:

Eighty percent of coins flow to miners. Most miners are immediate sellers. The introduction of ASICs coupled with high inflation caused unrelenting sell pressure which wasn’t offset by enough demand for reasons discussed ad nauseam here in the forum. I haven’t seen evidence to suggest that sales by dev fund or grant recipients have made an outsized impact.


To this point, check out another data point. Here is a screenshot of the most popular threads of all time sorted by view count. :student:

I see one word: miners


cool. but seems not much recent activity?

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They’re too busy selling :sob: :bomb:

Just thought it was interesting :cowboy_hat_face: :zebra:


The context here is that Zcash100 has an account from yesterday which is perplexing in its current activity/ and at-face-value well formed ideas today. PKR made these points more crassly.

That sort of an account situation looks like sock-puppeting but we have no way to know and what is the point of a witch hunt? (what benefit is gained by an experienced Zcash forum user who decides to build a new account for the purposes of churning/ multiplying their existing opinions?).

For the as accused trolls, sure there are a handful, but you can’t take from them their consistency in showing up/ telling the same tried & true opinions. They don’t seem like sock puppet accounts.

This thread has been spiraling off topic a lot recently.

@aquietinvestor are there plans to rerun a similar poll and continuation thread for 2024? It feels like many of the opinions and inclinations for the next block reward cycle could be packaged up into another set of questions. (I’m thinking of polling about 1. changes to the fee amount, 2. Zenate Yes/No, 3. ZCG compensation, 4. new/ additional wallet building priorities, 5. Namada airdrop)

I don’t have plans to create another poll, but I’ll keep this one open as it seems to be a good measure of community sentiment. You can definitely create your own poll if you’d like to ask the community about other issues. ZCG compensation will be included in the upcoming Helios poll conducted by ZF.

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The following question has been included in the latest ZCAP poll:

In principle, would you support the introduction of a new funding mechanism to replace the current Dev Fund when it expires in November 2024?


With about 25% of poll respondents above describing that the block reward should be removed completely, why isn’t ZCAP being polled about that outcome?

It would be very helpful to see how ZCAP opinions match up with the votes cast in this ad-hoc poll of Zcash forum voters.

@Dodger What does " new funding mechanism mean as it relates to the poll? Does this mean a) transaction fees b) another variation of block rewards or c) something else?

What is missing from the poll is some limitation non development spending. I would also like to see the Dev Fund to be restricted to direct/actual blockchain and asset (UDA/stablecoin) development for at least 85%-90% of spending. We have had a fairly massive increase in the scope and use of funding way beyond the actual blockchain and asset development (such as overhead, marketing, politics, and other non development activities). With that, we need a clear path to get off of inflationary spending.

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Is there any objective metrics that show having a block reward funding a foundation, development team and grants committee has had a material impact on Zcash compared to the market as a whole?

Unfortunately, we are not in 2018 any longer.

  • New blockchains launch and grow communities’ almost daily.
  • Stark based zkvm’s are being optimized, snark rollups as L2 are prolific.
  • ZK based privacy chains are on the rise.

Chains with a treasury have not risen to the top of market cap or adoption. This thread has convinced me there are people who are being funded who would like to maintain their funding. I have not seen any metric based arguments around having ECC and ZF grew our user base x% compared to who do not have central planning and for this reason we should continue funding them out of the block reward


Agreed. High-impact projects have a longer lifecycle and would provide more value + reduce busywork overhead from a full-time committee.


Imo, this question is highly ambiguous and requires rewriting.

If a poller is against the continuation of the devfund, should he answer

Yes: In principle, I would support the introduction of a new funding mechanism to replace the current Dev Fund when it expires in November 2024.

Find your own funding. Don’t get money from the devfund.

No: In principle, I would not support the introduction of a new funding mechanism to replace the current Dev Fund when it expires in November 2024.

No new devfund. Let it expire.

It should be at least 3 options:

  • renew as is
  • renew with modifications
  • do not renew