@sonya , i’am withdrawing this proposal, please remove it from the list at: Future of Zcash dev funding — megathread / everything in one place
Only half of the questions made have been answered. Without the questions answerd i feel i’am not able to adjust, fine-tune or improve this proposal.
It was a proposal made to go strict with foundation guidelines and to use only opt-in. As in my opinion it’s clear by today that opt-in is no more a real requirement this proposal lost more or less it’s propose.
This proposal does not seem to get enough community support either so it would be only a waste of time and votes to push it further.
I think the “votes” this proposal might get maybe are suited better for a proposal that has actually a chance to be choosen. Having in mind the overwhelming efford the ECC does to push their 20% favourite proposals it doesn’t make sense to have proposals that do not advocate a 20% dev fund splitting that much into various proposals that have minimal chances versus the proposals that are showcased by the ECC and it’s employees/affilates.
Therefore and due the above described personal arguments i choose to withdraw this proposal in favour of @Blocktown & @JamesTodaroMD proposal at [ZIP 1006] Blocktown Development Fund Proposal: 10% to a 2-of-3 multisig with community involved Third Entity which seems for me personally the only one opposing a new 20% dev fund that has a chance.