Dev Fund Review of All Proposals (Hudson's Review)

Hey @Souptacular, thank you for writing up your thoughts for the community.

I understand that you and also some other voters do not like the on-chain voting aspect of my proposal. Since you said you liked everything else about the proposal, maybe you should consider supporting the ‘Keep it simple Zcash’ proposal, with just splits 10% to the ECC and 10% to the Foundation, and has no on-chain voting?

Also a quick note that at current ZEC prices the 10% total dev funding in the Blocktown proposal would not allow ECC to continue in their current operations as they are today…I think most ZEC holders don’t want ECC to start winding down, but that would be the result of that proposal. Most proposals wisely chose 20% to ensure there is enough funding for R&D even with low ZEC prices.

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