Discord project introduction for all zcash communities

Zcash LATAM is excited to invite the Zcash community to the inaugural day of the Zcash LATAM server on Discord.

Enjoy this great day with us and earn an amazing POAP

We’ll be rewarding the first 150 members who join the server with POAPS.

If you don’t know what’s POAP (Proof Of Attendance Protocol) is the platform and infrastructure that enables the creation and storage of memories by POAP issuers and POAP Collectors

This is a set of smart contracts which, for practical reasons, is currently governed by POAP inc.

POAPs, the collectibles, are NFTs minted under the Proof of Attendance Protocol smart contract. Each POAP is a digital record held by collectors as digital proof that they attended, or participated in, a physical, virtual, or spiritual event; the POAP can double as a token qualifying its collector for potential future utility.

:arrow_right: Here is your Discord invite: Zcash Global :arrow_left:

How to claim your POAP

  • Step 1: Download the POAP app available for iOS & Android OR go to https://app.poap.xyz/ and connect your Metamask / Coinbase Wallet, etc.

  • Step 2: Ask for a link via DM on Discord for the Zcash Brazil team that describes you, we will have Zcash Foundation, Zcash Grants, and ECC teams.

  • Step 3: Enter your ETH address on the POAP app or website using Metamask at no cost.

  • Step 4: Done, minted POAP

OBS: Each individual will receive a special link with a code, the max supply will be 150.

Who is contributing to this:

Zcash Team is composed of five members: @michae2xl, @Iogy, @Minevg, @vito, and @yoditar.

The Zcash team in Brazil is building nice networking, creating an official identity, and participating in presential conferences such as Bitconf and now NFT Rio. So the team is pleased to announce a professional server on Discord called Zcash LATAM, and we would like to invite you to join us for feedback and activities.


is the current Zcash Brazil ambassador since May/2022 - Software Engineer & Product Owner, known as Michae2xl on social media, have been 6+ years in the crypto space, worked for a DAO as Community Manager Brazil & Canada for almost 4 years, and built an NFT index.


Victor is a Community/Community Manager in which he started his journey in 2019, being one of the main ones responsible for the creation and the growth of Odysee in Brazil, the biggest video share platform with built-in blockchain in the world. He has also worked on projects for other companies like ShapeShift DAO, Giveth.io, Hive, LBRY Nomics, and many others. He recently joined the Zcash Brasil team, as one of those responsible for Growth Latam and the creation of the Zcash server on Discord.


is a 30-year-old, tattooer, designer, and artist, who studied Advertising at college until the seventh period, his hobbies are technology, skateboarding, blockchain, and urban art.
He is working to create a visual identity for Zcash Brazil, helping to develop the server banners and logo for social media.
Actions focusing on engagement inside and outside discord such as creating POAPS for events and rewards, memes, emojis, giveaways, marketing actions, and event monitoring aimed at opportunities in general. Looking for good narratives and the best ways of positioning to promote Zcash in Brazil, creating a good image, and generating trust in the project.


Graduated in graphic design in 2006. Created graphic pieces for companies such as Exxon Mobile, BG, Flamengo, and Abbott, where she worked in the package development department. Her interest in blockchain, NFTs, and cryptocurrency began just two years ago. To Zcash have already created discord Brasil-Latam- International banners, image compositions to Instagram, POAPs, translated to Portuguese and Spanish a few Zcash English material to post on social media, gifts to NFT Rio event, and banner to post on Twitter.


is the current Zcash Spanish ambassador - Passionate about blockchain culture and digital privacy, who pursues the vision of a world of decentralized networks, without intermediaries, with opportunities to amplify our creative potential to horizons never imagined.

Below are the @Iogy & @Minevg work done:

Victor was responsible for managing and the setup all configurations of the Zcash Server.

Below are the @Vito work done:

Menu Category

Our server has 3 communities at the moment. These communities are dedicated to native English, Portuguese and Spanish speakers.

obs: This format is valid for all communities around the world and all of them are welcome if you want to join, just let the Zcash Team know.

Room Function
:clipboard:丨menu Language Menu.
:earth_africa:丨welcome English Community
:earth_africa:丨bem-vindo Portuguese Community
:earth_africa:丨bienvenido Spanish Community

Zcash Internacional Category

Room Function
:globe_with_meridians:丨chat-int Internacional chat for all languages
:robot:丨bot-cmds Commands room
:wave:丨support Room dedicated to Support and Report
:calendar:丨events Internacional Events
:bell:丨z-news All news about Zcash

Each community has a different room, using English Community as an example:

Informations Category


This room was made to help new members to understand how Discord works.


Like server-info, we created the FAQ room to help new users to understand how Zcash works with the main information about Zcash.

Roles Selection

In this server, you can choose your roles according to your interests/skills.

Role Function
:computer: Coder If you have skills with programming and codes
:globe_with_meridians: Defi If you like Decentralized Finance
:money_mouth_face: Trader If you are Trader
:pick: Miner If you are Miner
:moneybag: Holder If you are Holder
:writing_hand: Writer If you like to write, we have some interesting things for you
:paintbrush: Designer Designers are valuable, let us know if have the skills for that
:earth_asia: Translator If you are bilingual, we have some bounties for you
:clapper: Video Editor Do you have skills in Premiere or any software about editing? Let us know choosing this role!
:joystick: Gamer Everybody loves games, we have some special rooms for you

English Rooms

Room Function
:loudspeaker:丨annoucements Stay tuned on everything that’s happening in the Zcash Server
:zebra:丨general Main Chat
:hammer_and_wrench:丨aplications Zcash Applications
:pick:丨mining Mining Chat
:moneybag:丨trading Trading Chat
:clinking_glasses:丨off-topic Random Chat


We also have a random category dedicated to funny rooms to have fun with the community.

Room Function
:genie:丨akinator Akinator is around!
:snail:丨pokemon Start your journey as a Poke Master here
:video_game:丨 Gamer Talk about Games with other gamers
:rocket:丨levels Level List
:baby:丨new-members In this room you can check the list of new members

Bots that the community can use.

  • John Dobbertin - Mee6 (Paid)
  • Ticket Tool - Support (Paid)
  • Sesh (Polls and Events)
  • Loritta (Fun)
  • PokeDex (Fun)
  • Aki (Fun)


We have a leveling system based on how many messages you send on the server, provided by @John Dobbertin. Roles are automatically assigned as you level up and range from levels 1 to 50.

@Level 5- 0,50$ in ZEC

@Level 10 - 1$ in ZEC

@Level 20 - 2$ in ZEC

@Level 30 - 10$ in ZEC

@Level 40 - 15$ in ZEC + Gifts

@Level 50 - 20$ in Zec + Zcash T-shirt + Gifts

Feel free to join the server and talk to us and the community!


Hey all!

  • If you’re from ECC please ping me, I´m sending you an exclusive POAP.

POAPS from:

@ZcashFoundation & @ZcashCommGrants were minted and will be available soon.

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Saludos, ¿Solo se puede conectar con Metamask?

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You don’t need metamask if you want, just go to the POAP website and download the app, but you will need an ETH address to claim yours.

we’re waiting for you guys there <3

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Genial ¿Puedo usar Binance?

yes, you can use the Binance - ETH address to mint, but this wallet is not yours.

Very good initiative!

See you guys there. Helping and boosting the Zcash LATAM, Spanish Zcash and Zcash World community :muscle: :shield:


Any update on the ZCG POAP? I missed the last drop.


Yes, we have links for ZCG POAPs. Please send me a DM

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Hey, is the Discord you set up still active? The invite link doesn’t work for me for some reason. Thanks!


Now Zcash Global server is able to be discovered by Discord global users, just writing - Zcash

  • A step more to scale!

  • Our message:

Zcash Global is a community dedicated to the Zcash cryptocurrency and blockchain technology. Our goal is to provide a space where people can come together to discuss and learn more about this exciting and innovative technology.

We encourage you to explore our server and get involved in the conversation. We have channels for general discussion, technical support, development, trading, and more. We also have a helpful and friendly community of members who are always willing to help and share their knowledge.

Please take a moment to review our server rules and guidelines, which can be found in the #rules channel. These rules are in place to ensure that everyone can have a positive experience on our server.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to one of our moderators or admins. They are here to help and support you.

Thank you for joining Zcash Global on Discord. We hope you have a great time here and look forward to seeing you in our community.


Great work @Michae2xl! Congrats and well done!