The following is co-authored by me and @daira.
Last year, the community clearly advocated for a change in funding and governance. The direct funding model was retired in November 2024, and development funds have been channeled into a lockbox while the community decides how it wishes to govern funds.
Three proposals have surfaced so far, including the zBloc from me, Loan Directed Retroactive Grants from Kris (which could be coupled with zBloc), and a Dev Fund Proposal from Milton. Each proposal envisions an on-chain k of n, multisig for distribution.
We will be creating a ZIP for the implementation of the zBloc so that the community can thoroughly vet the idea.
We also propose that any remaining specification (e.g. finalizing ZIP 312) and library implementation work needed to support the use of FROST should be completed well in time for the NU following what is currently defined as NU7, while the community determines which proposal or variant it wishes.
This will allow us to implement a solution and reduce the risk of further slippage in the implementation of a distribution mechanism while the community works through the details of one of these proposals or variants.
FROST on Zcash will also allow for other use cases, including multi-sig for custodians, Zashi Vault, and other self-custody wallets, and social key recovery.
Given that the Zcash Foundation developed FROST, we believe it would be best equipped to complete this work. If it does not have the capacity to do so, other organizations may want to pursue it. Funding could come from ZCG or a retroactive grant upon completion of the implementation, along with a new governance and distribution mechanism. ECC will take on any user interface and key management needed to support FROST in the Zashi and Zallet wallets.
We look forward to hearing back from the Zcash Foundation or others who may be interested and ready to support them. If no one steps up, ECC will take this on as soon as our schedule allows.