Edge and Zcash SDK 2.0

Hi everyone.

Paul here from Edge. I’m happy to announce that Edge has successfully integrated the 2.0 SDK from the ECC team and it’s now in internal testing. We hope to have it out in the next few weeks which should finally give users much faster sync and of course spend-before-sync which will make Zcash WAAAY more usable for regular payments!

Keep an eye out for the launch announcement and of course please send any feedback our way.


That is excellent to hear! Thank’s Paul and congratulations!


Great! it’s nice to see Edge back. But the sync is a little slow despite creating a new wallet. Doesn’t it start from the block I create the wallet from?

@Olek “now in internal testing. We hope to have it out in the next few weeks”

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The 2.0 SDK is not yet released to the app stores. Should be by next week barring any major issues


Can’t wait!