Foundations of Internet Money @ HCPP after thoughts

First, let me make a point that myself and others appreciated the fact that @paige mentioned the need to build bridges between the current privacy focused camps, xmr and zec.
The back and forth feuds here, on irc, twitter, reddit, plus other channels has gotten out of hand and really, seeing as we are both fighting for the same means, should direct our efforts in accomplishing this instead of needlessly shitposting.
Moving on, it was promising to hear more on sapling first hand and how in less than a year and 4 months, we are close to already having shielding available in a efficient capacity in stable branch which shall allow us to finally tap into the mobile, atm, pos market and more on a wide scale.

As a side note, there was a concern raised after hearing that LE or no other TLAs had made direct contact with the Zcash team on malicious instances utilizing ZEC even after having been asked explicitly; do feel free to correct me if this wasn’t the case.
Find this hard to fathom as it was only a couple months back now, likely more that there was a mention of TSB supporting monthly subscription payments in ZEC, which if you want to be reminded of why this is significant, recall that Wannacry relied on their full disclosure of eternalblue.

So I’m going to take it as no one has responded that we should just assume zcash team wishes to take the ‘neither confirm nor deny’ stance?
Really, something smells off.