Genoil's ZEC Miner

using latest drivers and windows 8.1 working flawless.

If you only changed the memory timings in your BIOS, then flashing back to stock BIOS is probably unnecessary. I have 2 rigs with modded 480s and they’re running fine.

sorry I m on windows 7 I get 0 sols or it crashes

@alexfox Is their a way on your script to set -k option for 2 cards to use and 1 without if so how would this be done with the command used. would it be -k 0 zec zec 2 zec zec and so on or will this just brake?

What Core and Memory speeds are you running on your modded 480?

no…you need copy script and start.cmd for each card.

What if the miner gets stuck and stops printing any output? Sometimes it just stops printing anything and actually it doesn’t seem like the miner has crashed. If I hit some key on the keyboard all of the output shows up.

idk. i dont know about that problem… but you can try :slight_smile:

that happens when you accidentally click at the console and activated the input mode…

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Why is your genoil.exe a different size than the version Genoil released on github?

I personally noticed the size difference, and being the paranoid person I am…I replaced your genoil.exe with the one released by Genoil himself :wink:

idk. it’s not my script. [ZEC] Zcash | Неотслеживаемые транзакции - Equihash - Биткоин форум i just take it to you.

Well obviously people should replace the one in your link with the original one Genoil released.

It’s no dif for me… 610kb original and from my script…

Yep…if you want.
Or…you can copy Power Shell script and start.cmd to genoil mainer folder…but you must change path in start.cmd

I get 34-39 H/s reported by flypool. Let’s say 36 H/s on average.

win 10, rx 480 4Gb

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Oh FFS, I forgot I had replaced your .exe with Genoil’s 0.4.1

Never mind. I’m an idiot.

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What core and memory speeds are you using?

only in you pc

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My card has elpida vram modules and I’m using custom ROM with 1500 strap.
core: 1145

Thanks. I’m averaging about 30 Sol/s w/0.5
rx 480 4GB
core: 1175
mem: 1950