Hot breaking news about zcash

Rally mode one :slight_smile:

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Excited to announce an 80% reduction of proving time and 98% reduction in memory for our next-gen zk-SNARKs!
im spreading the news
join and share it :smiley:

… and this is only the first part of our optimizations and improvements! Stay tuned. :slight_smile:

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get in now fellas, the bottom is set. I am allready loaded with 3700 zcash :smiley:


This will be released in 2018?

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can anyb. explain me what mean hard fork ?

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It’s planned for the Sapling release see There isn’t a formal release date but sometime in 2018 seems likely.

It means a network upgrade so everyone needs to upgrade their nodes to the latest version to support it. It’s the same for any crypto so there is a wealth of information out there such as this Hard Fork: What It Is in Blockchain, How It Works, and Why It Happens

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Hard fork means the network protocol is being changed in such a way that it will be incompatible with previous versions.

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The Hunting Of The Snark by Lewis Carroll [Full Poem] :joy:

Jub Jub :bird:


Z cash showing why it’s potential is so great! this is wonderful news for all of us patient investors :wink:

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from what i can tell the bottom is now set in zcash, we should move up from this point one.