How to Check your Hashrate

I have ran the command as outlined in How do i check my hashrate?

“./zcash-cli zcbenchmark solveequihash 10”

but I get no response from my computer. The terminal just hangs. According to my system monitor the computer seems to be continuing to mine but the terminal is not responsive. Any suggestions?

Sorry I was just a bit impatient its worked now.

You may also find that the solveequihash is slower if you are running too many cores and threads.

Be sure to post your system specifications and results at the benchmarking website:

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  1. Start the daemon,
  2. make sure mining is stopped (to make sure all cores are free),
  3. start the benchmark for 50 runs. (10 runs will have 20% error maybe 20% of the time)
  4. sum the times, divide by 10, divide by 2 for seconds per hash. Invert for hash / sec.

Where avg benchmark seconds = 2 / hash rate.

The third line below does 3 and 4. I’ve got it set for 50 runs (nearly an hour) instead of 10

[edit: instead of line 2 above and below, it might be more accurate to start the daemon with gen=0 in zcash.conf. ]

~/zcash/src/zcashd -daemon
~/zcash/src/zcash-cli setgenerate false
~/zcash/src/zcash-cli zcbenchmark solveequihash 50 | grep runn | perl -ne '/(\d+...)/; $sum+=$1; print "$1\n"; $n++; print "avg: " . $sum/$n . "\nhashes/sec: ". $n*2/$sum . "\n";'

My estimate from watching network:
Blocks per hour per core = 240 / difficulty / (avg benchmark seconds like 40)

CPU equivalents on network with 40 second solves from the benchmark and 4 cores = current difficulty setting


So I used followed you instructions and have some screenshots of the results.
dell e6510 laptop (have access to quite a few of these free of charge)
i7 620m 2.66GHz
2 cores

Does it seem reasonable enough to be able to mine with and stay competitive? Or do I need to figure out another option? Just your opinion. I’m super new to mining and Linux so the fact that I have it working in the first place is amazing lol. Thanks for the help.

My wild guess is that there will be 5,000 CPU-equivalents during the first month after the initial ramp up. What you have here is about 1/4 of what I call a modern CPU equivalent. There will be 17,000 blocks issued in a month, and you have 1/20,0000 of what the network might be. So you have a decent chance of getting 1 block in the first month, a value of $50 for the 10 coins in the block if the coin has an incredibly fast rise to $5 a coin. In short, it may not pay for its electricity usage after two months. It would be better to go with zeropond or wait until the coins come out on exchanges. I could be wrong. It might be only 1,000 CPUs the first month and you could get 100 coins in two months worth $10 each in a year.

Well I am actually going to be mining on 15-20 of these identical machines. I am just running the testnet on one. I am actually going to clone this instance onto the other machines using some instruction I found for the Amazon EC2 mining setup. I think it should be a similar setup with actually machines rather than VMs and electricity is not an issue.