How to propose fixes to the Zcash protocol PDF?

Zcash Protocol Specification, Version 2022.3.8 [NU5] has a bug:

Section regards full viewing keys, but states:

For incoming viewing keys on Mainnet, the Human-Readable Part is “zviews”. For incoming viewing keys on Testnet, the Human-Readable Part is “zviewtestsapling”.

This is a copy/paste bug from the prior section, which regards incoming viewing keys and states:

For incoming viewing keys on Mainnet, the Human-Readable Part is “zivks”. For incoming viewing keys on Testnet, the Human-Readable Part is “zivktestsapling”

So we see that although the human-readable part strings were updated, both paragraphs claim to describe incoming viewing keys when should claim to describe full viewing keys.

I think you can make a pull request to change this file:

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Excellent. Preparing a PR now. Thanks.

Create Zcash Improvement Proposal (ZIP): If you have a unique fix or improvement that you believe will benefit the protocol, create a Zcash Improvement Proposal. A ZIP is a formal document that describes the proposed changes and their rationale. You can find the template and guidelines for creating a ZIP in the Zcash GitHub repository.
If the proposal successfully completes the review process and is accepted, it may be scheduled for implementation and activation on the Zcash network.

Thanks, but I’m just talking about an error-level fix to the existing ZIP. Surely it doesn’t require a new ZIP to fix a word in a prior ZIP, does it?