I would like to interview Zcash Dev Team

Hello guys, my name is Hoang, I have a facebook group that comprises thousands of miners who own farms (up to 1500 rigs farm), I would love to have a chance to interview you guys about the Zcash coin. The benefit is you will get to acquire new fans for FREE for Zcash in a brand new market (Vietnamese) and I’ll setup everything for you. We would just do a facebook livestream in my facebook group together. Questions are basic like the idea behind the coin, how you guys started, what’s your vision… I would go into more detail if you’re interested. Please let me know.

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Contacting press@z.cash might be a better way to get a response (since many of the core devs work for the company).

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thank you <3 thank you <3 thank you <3 thank you <3 thank you <3