Introducing Zeal Calls - monthly community calls

We know there are passionate advocates of Zcash all over the world, and we want to empower everyone in our community to meet, connect and learn from one another.

That’s why we’re excited to kick off Monthly Community Calls starting Tuesday, January 28th.

These calls, scheduled once a month in partnership with the Zcash Foundation, will often feature guest speakers from other privacy organizations and will cover a range of topics — such as meetup organizer support, sample workshops, Zcash Foundation grant support and technical AMAs.

Why “Zeal” calls? What else do you call it when a bunch of zebras get together? :rofl:

January’s featured speaker is Dr. Lawrence Cappello, privacy historian and author of None of Your Damn Business: Privacy in the United States from the Gilded Age to the Digital Age , available on Amazon and wherever books are sold. His essays have appeared in The Wall Street Journal, The Atlantic, The Nation, The Hill and The Economist . He will be discussing the history of privacy in the United States from 1890 to the 1960s to today.

Register here:

January 28th agenda

  • 5 mins – Welcome
  • 10 mins – Privacy in the news
  • 15 mins – Zcash updates
  • 20 mins – Featured guest
  • 20 mins – Open Q&A

If you have suggestions for upcoming topics, please send your ideas to


will recordings be posted on youtube?

I’ll post a summary of the call in the forum afterwards. At least part of the call will be posted to youtube (the section with the guest speaker). I want to let attendees decide on what else if anything makes sense to post.

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–nice idea, but the time of day is not so good for me (USWC).

I wonder if you would consider posting part of the call as a podcast? Maybe these folks would let you steal an episode every month:

Or, revive this one:


Love that idea! I’ll reach out. Originally I was planning on uploading part of the recorded call to ECC’s youtube channel. I hadn’t considered the podcast idea.