Launching the Zcash Minor Grants Program by ZFND

Hey James, We will reach out to you directly regarding this. Thanks


Thanks, and sorry for my anxiety :sweat_smile:


I see you tagged me about ZCAP membership policies, and I wanted to clarify that I keep an “arm’s length” from ZCAP and clarify why:

I strive to keep an “arm’s length” relationship to ZCAP and avoid trying to influence the ZCAP structure, policies, participation, or vote topics. Two exceptions: (a) I do refer folks to apply to it on occasion, and (b) for any topics related to my interest/focus at ECC I publicly share my positions, so that can overlap with ZCAP voting content sometimes. This is because since I already have an “official” way to influence Zcash community through my role at ECC, I feel it’s better to keep a cleaner separation from other governing bodies and get out of the way of other community members to express their voice through ZCAP.

That being said, I will say generally I’m heartened to see ZCAP continue to iterate and expand membership in thoughtful ways! IMO, Zcash generally needs to keep steady progress on multiple ways to expand reliable governance and decentralization to keep pace with its growing network and community.

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When is the next round of minor grants? I’m eager to apply again.


We’ll announce in the next few weeks. We’re looking forward to the next round as well!


Applications for the next round are now open!



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This is a great suggestion.

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