I just installed zcash on an ubunta box. I set testnet in conf file and started zcashd. After a couple of hours, I can see it sync with the latest block from debug.log. When I run
zcash-cli getinfo
“version”: 4030050,
“build”: “v4.3.0”,
“subversion”: “/MagicBean:4.3.0/”,
“protocolversion”: 170013,
“walletversion”: 60000,
“balance”: 0.00000000,
“blocks”: 1318428,
“timeoffset”: 0,
“connections”: 8,
“proxy”: “”,
“difficulty”: 46.58371725767994,
“testnet”: true,
“keypoololdest”: 1615309233,
“keypoolsize”: 101,
“paytxfee”: 0.00000000,
“relayfee”: 0.00000100,
“errors”: “”,
“errorstimestamp”: 1615324792
However, when I run zcash-cli listsinceblock, I got
“transactions”: [
“lastblock”: “0016ac0b8ff69f3008a1f6033db988839acc56e0c508e376f5ba403337416d7f”
I run the same command on another box which has zcash installed before, I can get some transactions. Does anyone know why I get an empty transaction array? Is there any configuration parmater I missed? I do see I have blocks under testnet3 directory.