No balance/ transactions listed

Hoping you can help.

I had a go at mining on the testnet and let it run for more than 24 hours but when checking listtransactions always get an empty array.

Also had another go now that zcash has gone live. Its been running for an hour and still nothing I´ve successfully mined .

Running Ubuntu 16.04 on an Intel i7 2.6ghz (quadcore) 8gb ram.

When running getinfo the balance has never changed from 0

"version" : 1000050,
"protocolversion" : 170002,
"walletversion" : 60000,
"balance" : 0.00000000,
"blocks" : 417,
"timeoffset" : 0,
"connections" : 8,
"proxy" : "",
"difficulty" : 2038.07565105,
"testnet" : false,
"keypoololdest" : 1477672659,
"keypoolsize" : 101,
"paytxfee" : 0.00000000,
"relayfee" : 0.00005000,
"errors" : "WARNING: abnormally high number of blocks generated, 395 blocks received in the last 4 hours (96 expected)"

My config is:

genproclimit = -1

Just to add it says I have validated 1683 transactions, 1.2681 sol/s and 5417 equihash solver runs so far.

Not sure what I’m doing wrong. Any advice/tips would be appreciated.