@lex_node, I also believe we’re well past that stage of the discussion. We’ve converged into a framework where there are no reserved seats in the MG committee, and where ECC can be funded by MGs (in addition to its slice) but its affiliates cannot serve on the MG committee, and where ZF administers the funds.
So what people here are trying to resolve is a specific pragmatic question: the mechanism for electing the MG committee. Not its composition, and not the creation of new legal entities.
I understand that you object to this. You’re right that there other possibilities. Those were discussed for months, polled and rejected. To the extent that your ideas were already discussed back then, well the community has weighed on them. To the extent that your ideas are new, then sorry, but it’s too late for the current process, and you should have brought them up earlier.
Now, you’re of course free to speak your mind anyway! But please realize that what you’re calling for is stopping the train, reverting several months in this discussion, and re-opening issues (and their many dependencies) that the vast majority of the community feels we’ve already settled. Which would almost certainly delay the whole process so much that activation of the Dev Fund in time for the first halving won’t be feasible anymore (it’s already marginal).
So see, you’re fighting two battles simultaneously: for the merit of your ideas, but also against everyone’s sense of urgency. It’s like everybody’s rushing to put out a fire and are already running with water buckets, and then you show up and stop people to tell them it would be optimal to form a bucket brigade instead. Even if you’re right, it’s not the best setting for discourse.
So here’s a constructive suggestion for how to proceed. Let the current narrow discussion play out, and contribute to it. Let it be deployed in time to keep ECC’s employees paid! Meanwhile, open a separate forum thread to discuss future improvements. You can even concretely propose a new ZIP that implements these, on top of (i.e., overriding) ZIP 1014. When you achieve wide support for this, ZF will be obliged to act on that, and ultimately run a new poll (or whatever is then the state-of-the-art mechanism) to establish a consensus decision. If that happens in time for the start of the Dev Fund, then you will have 100% achieved your goal. If it takes longer, well at least in the interim we’ll have ZIP 1014 to keep us running.
How does this sound?