Major Grants Review Committee Candidates MEGATHREAD

After reviewing this, I think my previous statement was hyperbolic.
My concern is about incentive alignment.
The possibility that I find “terrifying” <–(there’s the confusing hyperbole) is an MGRC where members are not primarily interested in the long-term success of Zcash.

Clearly if a member of the MGRC has a separate job that’s also a “Zcash-centric” role that’s fine by me.

In other words, I think it’s fine if a full-time employee of the ECC, or the ZF sits on the MGRC. Indeed I prefer this. Such a person is already incentivized to enhance Zcash, and wouldn’t need (as much) compensation for their role at the MGRC.

Some people have proposed that some MGRC members are full-time, and some are part-time. In that scheme I think it makes sense that the part-time roles are filled by the ECC and ZF representatives, since they have “correctly” aligned incentives.

Per the remaining 3 members… I maintain that it’s in the best interest of the community/Zcash that those folks are selected in part because they are primarily interested in Zcash. I don’t think it would be appropriate for someone, whose “day job” is working on some other project, to occupy one of those seats.

So, revising my previous position, I am in favor of all MGRC members being entirely focused on the general improvement of Zcash. Whether an MGRC member is focused in this way because their role on the MGRC is “fulltime”, or because their other role(s) are also Zcash-enhancement roles isn’t so important to me.

Finally, in this thread, @alchemydc has mentioned a Zcash-vesting schedule for MGRC members. This seems eminently reasonable to me.

Just to amend this amendment I am now persuaded that the “other Zcash-enhancement” role might well be primarily an ethereum, or EFF, or bitcoin, er etc… role. I don’t want to dismiss the potential for diversification and collaboration.

I am persuaded by the above arguments to this effect.