Meet Luxor, the first mining pool to mine shielded coinbase

Dear Zcashers:

I’d like to introduce you to Nick Hansen, CEO of the Luxor Mining Pool. Luxor has been a long-time supporter of Zcash. They were one of the first to enable shielded payouts to their miners and recently mined the first shielded coinbase block, which occurred at block height #949496.

You can see the transaction here:

This is an important moment for Zcash. Luxor is responsible for approximately 8% of hashpower on the Zcash network and their switch to shielded coinbase improves the privacy for the entire network. Feel free to give them a warm welcome!

@GuzmanLuxor @nitronick600


Happy to continue progressing ZCash and enabling the ZCash community!


Welcome, glad you got to be the first! Hopefully more will follow your example :zcash: :heart:

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