We are stuck to April.
The main link is here: https://electriccoin.co/zcash-metrics/
I no longer fully collect these, but there is a grant for similar. In the mean time, since you can’t upload csv or other excel here is until end of september. If you are more interested in better view and more graphs, please support @aristarchus
For the orchard pool, just look at a block explorer or coin metrics.
I’m a big fan of @aristarchus proposal as well. In the meantime, there are some shielded pool stats on Blockchair:
Not sure how accurate the data is, and the charts aren’t very dynamic. Also, the total looks a bit off from what Zcash Block Explorer reflects:
Thanks for calling it out. It hasn’t had our attention since the ECC restructure. This is something we’d like to propose to revive and move over to z.cash when we get a new shared ownership model in place.