Miner- [NiceHash] Zcash CPU/GPU for Linux and Windows

NiceHash 220 000 S/s

NiceHash pool 93 000 S/s

Yes, i think thats why so many people are leaving.

Other pools i look at are not having this bad luck

dont work… are you upload your mining files and i mine for you as a gift?

i have 4 rx 480 graphic cards

What other pools are there? There is very clearly something wrong with nicehash. I think there is a lot of mischief going on write now and we are footing the bill.

EDIT: Flypool also seems to be down.

EDIT 2: Yep Supernova has stopped payouts yet still encourages mining with the,. What a surprise. Looks like all the pools are just taking the rewards as profit for themselves today and then when price bottoms out suddenly everything will magically start working again. What a croc of shit.


suprnova seem to be getting paid out besides them getting Dos attacked earlier

mate this is the setup, it should work

nheqminer_zcash -l eu -u (t1 transparent address) -t 0 -od 0 1 2 3 -op 1

Yep, screw this miner. I’m outta here too.

people could use an update from a nicehashdev right now. whats going on with this pool ?

The pool thread is here :
*[NiceHash] Zcash Pool- Scheduled shutdown by end of November

Stop talking about the pool here
We are here to talk about the mining software

Whats the point of mining here if we dont get paid ? people are leaving

whats ur hash rate? sol/s?

same erorr…

download the binary pls, not the git repo

have you put the batch file inside the folder?

Its blatantly obvious that none of you dorks whining scam knows wtf NiceHash is or does…

That 230k sols/s is NOT what NiceHash is pumping into the pool.
Their model has two sides.
Sellers and byuers.
Sellers run the mining app and get paid in BTC for their hashing power.
The paying is done by the buyers, who ultimately decide where that hashpower is directed to. Buyer chooses which pool gets mined for his dollar.

In the last few days, NiceHash made available a plain mining pool. For people to mine with NiceHash without parttaking in their normal buyer/seller model.

Nobody is “stealing” 140k sols for their own pocket.
Buyers are directing all 230k sols where they choose for it to go. Whichever pool that might be, is their business.

Get your shit straight and your ducks in line before accusing people of theft, you bleedin Neanderthals.

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Curious what you guys are talking about… Nicehash is a cloud mining service/middleman. You sell your hash to Nicehash. You put your BTC address in the username. It does not put out ZEC. If you put your ZEC address in it’ll eat your hash because you’re dumb.

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Scams upon scams
2016-10-28 17:05 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 0.07379968 0.00228246

.00228 for a withdrwal fee and you still make money selling our hash ? my god so many crooks in crypto , I see why you open sourced your code somewhat

well if this is what you intend to do at least optimize your OPEN CL code with the silentarmy code asap for windows so we can recoup some of these nightmare losses

folder should have most of these files in, download the miner again

What is this :slight_smile:C:\nhe>nheqminer_zcash.exe -l usa -u t2UNzUUx8mWBCRYPRezvA363EYXyEpHokyi -t 0 -cd 1

    ==================== www.nicehash.com ====================
            Equihash CPU&GPU Miner for NiceHash v0.3a
    Thanks to Zcash developers for providing base of the code.
        Special thanks to tromp and xenoncat for providing
             optimized CPU and CUDA equihash solvers.
    ==================== www.nicehash.com ====================

Setting log level to 2
[2016-10-29 01:45:16.916765][0x00000fc8]: Using SSE2: YES
[2016-10-29 01:45:16.918268][0x00000fc8]: Using AVX: YES
[2016-10-29 01:45:16.922781][0x00000fc8]: Using AVX2: YES
[2016-10-29 01:45:16.924786][0x00000fc8]: CUDA error ‘CUDA driver version is insufficient for CUDA runtime version’ in func ‘cuda_tromp::getinfo’ line 45