Nicehash are thier zcash servers down

Just wondering if anyone know if the Nice hash z cash servers are having issues or nice hash as a whole. this may be premature, if that is the case i apologize but after z mine and having spent days waiting on payout from them that never came i don’t want to fall into that trap again. Sorry I got off subject a bit just wondering if Nice hash is down because its been like 6 hours and no change in my balances on my worker site even though my has has stayed steady at 12 sol/s which i know isnt much but it was changing every hour when i was at only 4 sol/s. any assistance or info helpful Ty . P.S. Nice Hash hasn’t responded to my email yet

I also have the same worry,
Before I start mining my unpaid balance was 0.00099578 ZEC,Paid Balance
0.00000000 ZEC.
After 8 hours of mining, it is still the same .

exactly the same here but hash changes i had only one computer now two and it change but even at double has still same, I went ahead and emailed them again. will pass along any finding

Response from Nicehash
You are paid on pool, when block is found. Unfortunately, pool is able to find block not so often, because of small hashing power.

You can see all found blocks here:

closing this thread to merge discussions about Nicehash pool into the original thread: [NiceHash] Zcash Pool- Scheduled shutdown by end of November