Minor Grants: A Personal Finance Course for Under-privileged Youth

Hi folks :wave:

As promised in the Minor Grants thread, this is my proposal to the Zcash community.

The Plan

Uang di Masa Depan: A Personal Finance Course for Under-privileged Youth

We will offer a course on financial literacy for students facing economic challenges who are in high school or college in Indonesia. Our target group is students who have interrupted their education before and are now resuming their studies.

The aim of this program is to prepare them for their future by teaching them relevant skills. They will learn how to make wise financial choices, manage their money well, plan ahead for their financial goals, and the future of money.

Students will learn the following topics:

  1. Understanding basic financial concepts and terminology such as earnings, budgeting, and investing.
  2. Learning how to manage a budget and make smart financial decisions including choosing a bank and taking out a loan.
  3. Exploring financial aid and scholarship opportunities to support education and career goals.
  4. Planning for life goals such as university, career planning, buying a house, and retirement.
  5. Discovering the future of money with a focus on Zcash[1].

We will host four biweekly meetups for the course at a venue suitable for learning. To ensure personalized attention and optimal learning, we will limit the number of students to a small group of 10-20 participants. The students will receive a stipend to apply their learning and also to cover their food and transportation expenses.

The Budget

$5000 to cover expenses such as venue rental, teaching materials, mentor compensation, student stipends, and program reporting.

The Report

To measure the effectiveness of our program, we will ask students to complete surveys on their knowledge and experience before and after the program. We will report our progress and outcomes to the Zcash community in this forum post and share our teaching materials, learnings, successes, challenges, and recommendations for future similar initiatives.

The Team

Tokidoki is a software engineer from Indonesia. He has mentored hundreds of junior developers at a coding bootcamp and is involved in ZecHub, the education hub for Zcash.

Sisupik is an education enthusiast from Indonesia. He currently leads a non-formal education institution for homeschooling and school dropouts.


[1]: As part of this course, students will view the Future Money video from Zcash Media. We have contacted Zcash Media to include their questions in the student survey.


In my opinion, any young man will just sell ZEC on the first day. We need to take care of the buyers now, not the sellers. I’m sorry I have to write this. Once again, I apologize for the harsh straightforwardness. But I express not only my own opinion, but also the opinion of other investors. If the current price was at least above $100, I would definitely say “yes”.


I want to voice my support for this minor grant – @tokidoki is perfectly placed to help the under-privileged youth in his area. He is a long standing member of the community, is already doing amazing work with ZecHub, and personally I’m a huge fan of learning practical skills that sometimes fall through the cracks in modern studies. Big yes from me :owl:


I should note that I appreciate every member of the community, especially the long-standing and in particular @tokidoki . I am sure that I have offended you, but let me be the asshole who identifies the problem in time, even if it is very unpleasant and hurtful things, than we will all become victims of our own virtue. We have really very kind and polite people here. It wasn’t easy for me to write this above, but I felt I had to do it.


Hi everyone, thanks for your support on this grant proposal. Unfortunately, ZCAP has decided not to fund it, so I will be closing the proposal. However, I have recently discussed with Sisupik about potentially continuing the program in a different form. I won’t provide further updates here, but thank you all again for your support.
