Hi mistfpga,
Good questions. I’m happy to try to elucidate.
The website as it is now still reflect some old things. Was exactly during the discussions that lead to the intentions of a re-architecture using ZCash that we came to this proposal. You can see the Moeda.Casa to come as a union of sellers willing to have an unified and safe method to provide crypto in the most private way direct from fiat BRL. I, by myself, have being victim of scams in Brazil trying to buy crypto out of Exchanges… reason why I “found” this trustful group of sellers years ago and now I’m pushing for a shared z-solution.
I think this might be a language thing. are you sure you are not talking about KYC and AML rather than privacy. ballast = meta data?
“Ballast” might be the wrong translation. Probably “trail” or “trace” is the way to express it. A common worry here is that traces’ from BRL transfers to known Exchanges can be (even retroactively) taxed. Transactions to a pool of “random” sellers would solve that. Nothing will proof it is a crypto being traded. Despite the benefit of having a ~4 seconds transactions now, this new Central Bank System (PIX, 16-nov-2020) brings new unprecedented levels of monitoring and control. “Our” Ministry of Economy have being talking about taxing any E-Commerce transaction, for example. https://bit.ly/3sTxtz0
In this last 10 weeks, the new system has being used in insane ways, since someone’s PIX address can be found by mail or phone, some are using it to send 0.01 cents “PIX messages” to others (a bit like zboard.org without the privacy side) and the Central Bank are being questioned to allow accounts to block others accounts, as in a Social Network… https://bit.ly/3sQQJx2 
Which specification did Mythrx audit to i cant see it on their website.
I don’t agree, as well, with the Mythx part on the actual (soon old) website. A developer used it as a proof of safety for his contract-based solution, but it was just a debugging tool. It’s gonna go out.
Also just because you dont have a hotwallet doesnt mean I cant divert the payments.
It is a good point, but I believe it still important to push users to have the knowledge to take care of their own wallets rather than outsourcing it. By ingenuity, I have seen people letting their cryptos on services like paxful or localbitcoins just to avoid official Exchanges, believing it is safer. Anyhow, who store the cryptos are the Sellers and the Buyers, Moeda.Casa just make the alchemy in between.
So can I get fiat from you or are you more like shapeshift? just without the KYC.
For now you could not get fiat from us, but it could become possible, depending on how our model evolves.
What proof is their that you are not changing the deposit addresses and skimming off the top or just straight up stealing
We have to think about that. A proof was never requested because the requested crypto always arrived 
I buy some eth, send it to your smart contract whcih then sends it to my z address? do you z2z the address first?
Nopz! The system for now only provides a BRL->crypto solution.
How do I do a transaction?
It needs a PIX-enabled BRL Bank account in Brazil.
What are you doing about metatdata leaks? your server, and the exchange know whats happening.
The server can log it, right. It is to be discussed if we should just destroy it from our server once the user confirms/clicks that it was received. Instruct users to use TOR or even having it as a hidden service are on the radar.
You need another z2z in there before z2t or it is not private.
The “Send $XYZ value in ZEC to z-addr” comes from a z-address from the Seller
But it is true it is not so clear in the diagram.
We are reflecting on many solutions and possibilities to this new Brazilian system, but also have many questions. That is why this humble fund would provide time to some Research, beyond Development.