My cont thoughts on today’s chat - Related to real world usability goals.
To be clear Im in no way trying to attack, insult or offend anyone. The work, effort to better humanity by all involved it amazing.
A real world example: Crypto app simply paid me a very small amount for allowing it to run on my phone.
Once a day I click a button and got an extra bonus.
So… users have app on all the time. Users get paid very little to open each day. More days in a row, more payout. Check in each day get more. get rewards for more streaks.
Use that earned crypto to buy stuff in the in app store…
Has 100plus million users.
My friends and I used it as a simple checkin app to make sure everyone was verified alive each day for 2 years.
Simple, easy sale to friends and family. 10 seconds a day time demand.
Had to stop using because they started forcing you to watch unskippable ad daily… and got more and more scummy.
Regardless 100 million users because they gave a little back for a click.
I mined Eth for many years was making 200-300 a month after electric, profits. It paid for my game development rig, 3090 and countless others. I was holding Eth, buying stuff with it and getting other involved and paying bills with it. It made life better.
Since Eth PoS Ive made Maybe $15 total stacking, not a month… total. I hold no Eth. PoS made life worse.
I have 8 GPUs non mining zec… Could be atleast getting some there. I agree with many who said there needs to be zec going to normal people to increase usage. Miners and devs dont create an eco system got to have customers. Sadly most in crypto have never sold a thing or even a sales person. There is no Director of sales… Which is why I say its too academic. Without profits its just a hobby is what Mr Wonderful says on shark tank.
Even a private messaging app would increase usage. Easy sale. 2000 Private messages for $25. 2000 Ad messages for $25 is a steal. About the same as email cold marketing.
I equate it to stamps for snail mail. I dont mine paying alittle for private messages. I like it better than free in fact.
Marketing and Corp Profitability
How about opt in marketing where I opt in to get ads. The ads pay me a small zec each ad. You call it spam, Id call it an anonymous and private marketing network. With the nightmare that google has become a private option would be epic. A real honest advertising system were you time is paid for and the customer gets a cut of the profits not just google…
Low banking access Population
Imagine how many people in low income areas with a phone who could be using zcash to get advertised to or messaging or clicking daily. They would use that to buy resources and trade creating ecosystem. Im sure countless governments would like to communicate with these people privately as well. So easy supply demand loop.
Check point Question
If I cant after all these year have a product that uses zcash that I can sell my friends on other than a wallet or privacy religion, then I think its clear something is wrong.
User Demo focus
Normal users dont care about privacy ime. Sorry it sucks but its true. If zcash is to be adopted by masses it has to IMO be wrapped in a pretty easy to use focused package with a bow that my 85 year old mom and 26 year old daughter can both willingly and happily use.
Can you say thats true now or even the focus?
First to your family, then your city, then your country…
Has anyone in ECC been able to get their parents or kids to uses zcash as it is now? If you cant get your own family on board, there is no way the masses will adopt.
Are wallets the hold up to adoption?
IMO wallets arent the issue and fixing them will be great but wont help adoption, price or transmission rates.
Us cases are. Facebook, twitter, ig, tiktol are all trash apps…But they are used. Perfection wont bring usage.