An experiment to mobilize the Zcash community to provision a Mastodon server for the community.
Happy to answer any questions, either here or Z2Z via the address in our Free2z page linked above.
An experiment to mobilize the Zcash community to provision a Mastodon server for the community.
Happy to answer any questions, either here or Z2Z via the address in our Free2z page linked above.
Lol I did a similar meme once, its around here somewhere
We met our initial fund-raising goal, so the server is live!
Users that requested access have been notified and temporary passwords communicated through shielded memos!
Visit The Zeal Center and join the conversation.
Due to the large influx of new users into the Mastodon network, the server is currently unavailable.
I am working on upgrading to v.4 of Mastodon and performance tuning.
I will post here once the server is back up.
The server is back online, come visit us!
A quick report from the first month of the Zeal Center operations:
Vitalik is on Mastodon now:
Just sayin’.
We are currently having an outage on the Zeal Center server. I am working with the hosting provider to resolve it ASAP.
The server is running, the hardware issues are resolved.
A couple of quick updates:
Always open to comments and feedback.
There’s a broken link on at the end where it says, “see how to register here.” Anchor URL should be
It’s now fixed, thanks for reporting it!
To anyone who reads this later: I highly recommend registering on Zeal Center for the game-like experience of using a cryptocurrency wallet.
It’s a breath of fresh air!
Find the ZF A/V Club at
Think of it as our digital secret handshake
Twitter might be unusable now, but we’re not
Come join us on the Fediverse!
The latest Instance Report is on the blog.
The Instance Report for March is available on the blog.
This experiment is very interesting and valuable. Thank you, @ZealWizard.
Outside of the Crypto-Twitter bubble, the perception of the blockchain industry is so poor that some people argue for dismissing the entire industry. This issue needs to be addressed head on if we want adoption of the technology to increase and the community to grow.
I’ve been seeing this for years at non-crypto FOSS and decentralization tech events. I’m a little happy that we have this event as a data point now. I’ve also personally seen Zcash come out on top when faced with these negative stereotypes after friendly 1:1 face-to-face conversations. There is hope!