Next Week: Two Community Calls!

:sparkles:ZF is hosting two Community Calls next week, hope to see you there!

On Wednesday, Feb. 19th at 4PM UTC / 11AM EST, @conradoplg @nsheep @Autotunafish will host a live FROST Server demo. Join the call via this Zoom link.

On Thursday, Feb. 20th at 5PM UTC / 12PM EST, @gustavovalverde will host a DevOps demo: Using Zebra with Docker and CI/CD. Join the call via this Zoom link.

:bulb: Is there an idea, topic or question you would like addressed on either of these calls? Wonderful! Please post it in this thread!


The FROST Server Community Call begins in ~1 hour! Hope to see you there!


Thanks to everyone who attended the FROST community call!

Forgot to mention that the demo is documented in Ywallet Demo - The ZF FROST Book so you can run it yourself!

(We had two issues during the demo, one of them is being investigated and it’s really a corner case of DKG with just 2 participants, I’m pretty sure I know where the problem is… and the second was just me copying and pasting the wrong value :grimacing:)


The FROST Server demo recording is now available, via this link. Enjoy!

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@gustavovalverde Feb.20th

If possible I would like to see how you demo rawtransactions, (formation or even just the send if the process is to long) using curl an/or grpc

Added benefit would be to show how to show the Sdk list command options, paste examples, and lastly in magic fairy land wish would be to speak two seconds of the potential to form a shielded transaction. If this is in scope of your talk and doesn’t derail the path you are moving along.


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:sparkles:The DevOps: Using Zebra with Docker and CI/CD demo is happening today! Hope to see you there!


The recording of today’s demo is now available via this link. Great call @gustavovalverde!